
Helping an Abandoned Dog?

by Guest63122  |  earlier

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A dog was abandoned at my school a few weeks ago and our school's policy is if a teacher takes it it won't go to the pound. So little Roxy came to live with us. She's only about 3 to 5 months now. I know she has major problems with separation, but we can't spend every minute with her. I try to let her stay near me and I spend quality time with her, but I also need to make sure she will be better when I have to go to work and when I sleep. Does anyone have pointers. Every other puppy I had spent days with my grandparents and was an outside dog... I need some pointers.




  1. Some times dogs who have been abandoned it takes them a long time to trust anyone.  It sounds like she's going to be ok just keep doing what u r doing she will be fine

  2. let the dog adjust to his new surroundings, while you are gone get the dog some toys , treats etc. and this may keep him occupied while you are away my chi did that at first when I got her some toys and let her adjust to her new home she has done great since. try this and see if that helps the dog.  

  3. is this a large or small dog?  If she is very young, she may grow out of this behavior.  Part of the problem may be that when she cries, she gets attention.  That way, you are unintentionally teaching her that crying means atention.  Try ignoring her until she stops.  It may take longer now, but be patient.  As long as she gets the exercise she needs and the attentions she earns (by not NOT crying), she should be fine.  Also, dogs should not be kept exclusively outdoors.  They are more easily ignored that way, and will be bored and lonely and will resort to bad behavior.

  4. First, I applaud you taking in Roxy.  We rescued a lab/pit mix in July who had been burned all down his back, and it has been very rewarding.  The good news is that you have caught the separation anxiety at just the right time.  Try doing a puppy kindergarten with her.  Petco and Petsmart offer classes (Petco's is 6 wks, once a week) and they work with puppy owners to teach them how to socialize and train their animals.  A dog that isn't socialized to other people and other animals will often be fearful and have that anxiety.  Sometimes this can lead to dogs that bite or snap out of fear.  You don't want that for her.  

    Also, take her lots of parks, to Petco and Petsmart where dogs are welcome and let her meet lots of people and other dogs.  This will do wonders for her.  

    Dogs that are socialized as a puppy become wonderfully well rounded adult companions.

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