
Helping her shed....

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My little Royal shed last week but still has this annoying bit still attached to her head and just past her head. She has been rubbing her face frantically against the wood in her tank, but it still doesn't seem to be coming off too well. I have put her in the water bowl and prayed a little water on and rubbed her gently. Is there anything else I can do? I fed her last night and where they stretch to eat their food, I thought this might have made the skin fall off. It didn't.

Is this quite common for this bit to take a little longer?




  1. yes it is very common the best thing is to get moist moss from you pet shop and put it in a bowl and put her in some warm water and then put her in the moss then hopefully it should come off and do not pull it off it can harm your snake and she will bite you if it hurts her but with the moss you can get from a local pet shop or a exotic animal shop and do not use the moss from outside it has pesticides on and it can harm you snake

  2. Sometimes your snake will not do a perfect shed and it will not all come off at once. If you have somewhere for her to rub already and have supplied her with water to soak in (a dog bowl or something of similar size) there is nothing more you can do apart from perhaps to give your snake a soak in a warm bath.

    Do not pull it off yourself. If the skin remains it sould come off with the next shed.

  3. it it's just one little bit of skin there is a product called "repti shedding aid".  this works great for getting little bits of shed off of a snake.  they sell it at petsmart. (zoo med product)

  4. Your humidity was not right in the first place if she shed in pieces, you can try with a wet towel and have her go through it, other then that you may have to wait for the next shedding..  Just get your humidity up in that viv.

  5. Actually it is very common. Just don't worry about it. It should come off eventually. I would recommend you to just let the snake be. But if it does really annoy to that much then try taking if off with a pair of wouldn't hurt the snake if the skin is loose but it probably would stress them out a lot. So I would recommend not trying to pull it off(unless you have OCD and it is a must) and if the skin is still there then just wait until the next shedding.

    I would let the snake be, it'll come off whenever your snake can get it off. Maybe next time when she is shedding, try soaking her in warm water for about an hour a day everyday until she shed off her skin. That usually works for me and my snakes. =]

    Hope this could help you a little bit!

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