
Helping little brother with percentages ..?

by  |  earlier

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My brother is learning percentages etc, & i'm trying to help him with his homework sheet, except he doesn't understand how i'm trying to show him - saying he's getting muddled up with everything I'm saying. So does anyone on here know a good way of remembering how to do percentages, because i've gave up! lol.

Hes fine with 10%.

Its the 25%, & 5% etc. - he doesn't understand the order i do them in :-S !






  1. use pennies ! $1.00's worth ='s 100%

    divide them up in 1/2 and explain that the 2 piles [ or 50 pennies each ] ='s 1/2 or 50%

    divide 1 pile into a 1/2 again and tell him that there is now a pile representing 50% and 2 piles representing 1/2 of the original 50% or 25% each. with the 2 piles [ 25% each ] and 1 pile with 50%,you still have 100% but in 3 groups,1 = 50% and 2 = 25% EACH or 100%

    using ONE pile,split that into 5 piles of %% each.

    there are now: 1 pile of 50%

    1 pile of 25%

    5 piles of 5% each or !00% in all.

    using a 5% pile of pennies,teach him that each penny represents 1%.

    1 penny ='s 1%

    5 = 5%

    25 = 25%

    50 = 50%

    75 = 75%

    100 = 100%

    give it a shot

  2. Go on to the BBC website and look for Skillwise.  It is a good site.

  3. Tell your brother to take the percent and put it over 100.  25% is 25/100. if he has trouble with this...10/50 tell him to make the number into 20/ you have 20%

  4. Try this:  the percent sign (%) means "divide by 100".  So when you see 5%, that means 5/100.  When you see 33%, that means 33/100.

    Hope it helps.

  5. Just tell him that "percent" means per hundred, or "out of a hundred."    Start him with a hundred pennies.  5% would be five pennies or five out of the hundred.   Go on like that.  Working with coins is good because once you get to 10% and 25%, you can use a dime and a quarter. It'll give him a visual reference.

  6. Get one hundred coins, when you are doing 5% put the hundred coins in stacks of  5 you will have 20 stacks so one stack is 5% so it must be one twentieth, so 5% is one twentieth of one hundred, if you work with 25%, put the hundred coins in stacks of 25 you will have four stacks so one stack is 25% and is one quarter of 100 so 25% is one can do this with all the percentages.

  7. Just remember to emphasise that 100% is the whole. As a kid I was so confused as nobody ever told me that! So 25% is 1/4 and 5% is 1/20 etc. They normally learn fractions before percentages so convert them.  

  8. for 25 % remind him thats it's a half of a half, for example half of 100 is 50 and half of 50 is 25, ie 25% for 5% tell him to find 10 % and half that, it's the way i remember it :) hope i helped :)

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