
Helping the mentally ill?

by Guest59371  |  earlier

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I wanna help the mentally ill,by creating a website or having some way for them to contact me is there anyway I can do that?I've been answering questions in the mental health section but I want to broaden my help.




  1. Well, first you need to set up a website with as much advice, and help as you can get on there. Then promote it go to the hospitals and ask to promote there and anywhere else you think those that might need help would see. I think this is a great idea and I commend you for looking into I hope you get to accomplish this and I would love to help you promote whatever you come up with! Also if you have a little extra cash maybe a 1800 number (Helpline??)

  2. I commend you for wanting to help... I work with the mentally ill and it is a very rewarding job. It can be dangerous at times because some of my patience have a tendency to hit.....but  who can blame them most of them have been hurt by the very people who were suppose to protect them. They are people the same as you and I and they deserved to be treated as such. Some of my patience have been in the system all there lives with no family to visit them. So I believe that they can benefit from any support you are willing to offer. I wish you luck!!!!!

  3. thats really nice of seem like a nice person.  I think the best way is maybe take your ideas to churches and maybe they can help you

  4. What are your qualifications/certifications for helping people with mental illness? What organizations have you worked through to provide this kind of help, or have you had a private practice? Do you have insurance that will cover your interactions with people as a counselor via your own web site, and do you have legal counsel ready in case you are sued? You need to have answers to all of these questions before you create your own forum where you will counsel people with mental illness and where you will be responsible for the information on the site.

    A better idea would probably be that you volunteer with local mental health organizations.

  5. Well, your weird.

  6. you could volenteer for nami they always need help and do lot s of great thing they have offices all over the US

  7. be careful

    you can  get  sued or stalked

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