
Helpless baby bird!?

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Omg! A couple of days ago i saw a baby bird in the backyard, i walk up to it and it just stayed there looking so helpless. I waited a couple of hours and came back to c if it was still there, and it was. So i was scared to get i waited for my aunt to get home so she could help me. By the time she got here i couldnt find it anymore. Well on my way out today we spotted it under the car, so i go a pole and pushed from under there put it in a lil cage. Its really weak and fraile, i gave it some water and i bought some baby bird feed. He barley can fly at the moment. I want to help it but im also kind of scared of it lol. Well any ways i looked it up on-line it says that ur not legally suppose to keep it. Bing that it does has its feathers im suppose to try to find its nest or put it in a bush but i cant find the nest.I dont want to put it in a bush to many cats. Its really cute and helpless. I think im just going to keep it until it can fly on its on. I'm not sure, what do u think i should do?




  1. I think you should call a local animal rescue and ask them for assistance. In many cases they know of wildlife folks that can handle the situation without killing the animal.

  2. I think that you should keep it. Sounds like you have gotten a little attached to him. Name him and keep him and when he gets  strong enough to fly, then make you decision if you want to let him go. Trust me he's better off with you taking care of him then a cat eating him, right!!

  3. Tennesseedelight is right - that's what you should do.  A professional will provide better care than what you can give.  They may ask you to drive the baby bird to their facility, or (but this is rare) drive out to your home themselves to pick it up.  If this is impossible - completely impossible - you should read this website thoroughly

    and get your parents to look at it too.  It outlines temporary wild baby bird care.

    I wish you the best of luck!

  4. You need to contact your local wild life rehabber and turn the bird over. birds have wildly varied dietary needs and for you to keep it, and not know exactly what it is, means you also dont have a clue what to feed it,(even if you could get over your fear of it to hand feed it)  means you are condemming this precious helpless baby bird to DEATH, at your own hands. Locate a rehabber in your area and turn the bird over, we are trained to identify species and we have very very specific housing and feeding requirements and are trained to meet the birds needs so it can be released when its ready.FYI, if it is a songbird, you are subject to like a $15000 federal fine for keeping him!!

  5. tell me what does it look like what colour is it then i can help you thanks!

  6. Are you sure the bird is weak? It sounds like a fledgling.  Fledglings can't fly. They're supposed to be on the ground.

    Once nestlings are fully feathered, they jump from the nest (fledge). Fledglings stay on the ground for days, while the parents continue to feed them.

    Fledglings are not supposed to be in nests. Uninjured fledglings do not need to be rescued. They need to be left alone.

    The parents feed fledglings when they are on the ground.  However, if you are in the area, the parents will not come near.   You must stay away, so they can feed it.

    Do not bring the bird in the house, and please stop chasing it around the yard.

    If this fledgling is truly injured and is not able to fly within a few days, you should contact a licensed wildlife rehabilitator. They are trained and equipped experts,and the only people who can legally care for native wild birds in North America.

    Check this link for worldwide listings:

    In the US, rehabilitation is regulated by the Federal government and State DNR (Dept of Natural Resources), or Dept of Fish and Game. Services are free to the public, as all native wild birds are protected by federal law.

    There are several sites with listing of rehabbers, although the easiest way to find one is to search Yahoo! or Google for "wildlife rehabilitation + your state (try both full and abbreviated)". Also search on "DNR rehabilitation + your state".

    You may be able to find a contact for a nearby rehabber through your local humane society, animal shelter, or police department.

    Links are also available on these sites:
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