
Help!!!my blood when i took it this morning before eating or drinking anything was 260, what should i do?

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im a 21yr old female and was told that i have type 2 diabetes, but these kind of high sugars are not anywhere near normal for me, it has gone down back into normal range since then but this number i thought was very high for in the morning, should i still be concerned even though it went back down?




  1. You should most likely be on insulin as 260 is not normal and too high.  Consult your doctor at once.

  2. Your doctor may  Rx some more meds but i  am sure he will explain that sometimes the "fasting" readings in the morning can be somewhat high. You should look up a web site for Diabetes self Management. . They had a story on morning highs a few months ago.

  3. First of all calm down, Yes that is high but not to the point were you are going to pass out or anything like that. I would say that at least 85% of the people out there has had there sugars that high or higher, Think back at what you may have eaten yesterday maybe you had to many carbs or sugar.Now if you are that high all the time maybe you should talk to your Dr. and maybe you need your meds. changed. I know I was that way and he had to add a buster with my medformin. And that didnt work so he took me off medformin and put me on actos. If you still fell bad call your Dr. and talk to him. He will be more help to you than any of us. Just watch your carb, sugars, take your med .

  4. id keep a very close eye on it and mention this to doctor next time you go obvisously if this happens again get straight to the doctors it not worth the risk

  5. it IS very high for a morning sugar, and it means you are not adhering to a good diet.  The metformin can only help so much, your sugars in the morning reflect what you ate the day before kiddo, and for it to be that high tells me and every other health care provider that you either don't know enough about nutrition, or you don't care enough about it to control your disease.  If you don't know, suggest you make an appointment to see a diabetic educator, if you don't care, why bother to ask?

  6. This occasionaly happens to me so the first thing I do is re-test and usually with another meter........If I find the results to be in that same area, I can usually attribute it to what I had to eat the night before or I just write it off as a fluke. But I no longer wory about a higher than normal reading especially if it drops back to normal within a short period of time.

    Meters are not an exact science so I  don't let that bother me any longer.

  7. your morning sugars are NOT affected by what you ate the day b4, food is at its peak in your system between 1 1/2 to 2 hours some pastas and such linger but not likely, i have battled high morning sugars for some time now, i have done extensive trackings of my blood sugar thru the night with the guidance of my endocrinologist, my sugars stay perfect all night til sometime around 6am, they would always go to the 200's, she wasnt too worried about it cuz it was only high for an hour or 2 and my A1c levels are great, the cause of my blood sugars being high and many others is your liver. it reserves large glucose amounts to use when you are need of energy, everyones liver diabetic or not releases a large amount of glucose early in the morning to give you energy for the day. Metformin actually works by stopping the liver from releasing as much glucose as it normally would, you can go up to 2000mg of that a day and maybe you can take it twice a day at night and in the am. also when you dont eat for a long time like at night your cells are telling your body they need glucose for energy even if youre sleeping, so your liver complies, if you eat a high protein snack at bedtime that can help level out your sugars and keep your body from requesting glucose stores from your liver since youve provided it thru food, i hope this isnt too confusing but i do know what im talking about unlike a lot of people whove answered so far, nemore questions feel free to msg me, good luck

  8. Go see the Doctor

  9. Walk at least 45 minutes a day. Also, eat foods that help to lower your blood sugar( such as cinnamon).

  10. go to yo dr.

  11. I think you should be asking your doctor this. Not Yahoo Answers!  

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