
Help!my teacher....?

by  |  earlier

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kay my teacher wants us to do a report on what we wanna be when we grow up i wanna be a volleyball coach i need to know what college should i go to with really good physical education it has got to be really close or around the state of washington NOT washington dc anyways and should i teach volleyball at my own studio or for college i wanna teach kids 11-16 or 17 plz answer soon it is do monday!!!




  1. You live near the PAC 10.  They are well known for their athletic programs.  Univ of Washington, Washington State, and Gonzaga are all in your state.  If you want TOP quality volleyball programs, you can just head down the coast to California.  USC, UCLA, Stanford as well as many others are in California and are well known for their volleyball programs.  

    Good luck.

  2. Go to the s*x

  3. If you want to be a coach, you will need to play in college.  If you are really good (i.e. the best player on your high school team) you might be able to earn a spot on a Division 1 college team (such as University of Washington).  If you aren't quite at that level, you could go to a Division 2 or 3 college that has a volleyball program (Western Washington University is Division 2, offers a PE - Health Education degree, and a women's varsity volleyball program).  

    Unless you are coaching at the college level, you can't really make a living just as a volleyball coach.  High school coaches are usually teachers too; if not, they have some other job that pays their bills.  Many coaches are PE teachers, but you can actually teach any subject and also be a coach.  

    To be successful with your own "studio" you will need to first become a highly successful high school or college coach to establish your reputation and make contacts in the local community.

  4. tell him to *** off

  5. yeah, okay breathe. breathe again. okay your not the only stressed one here. i have been sick the last four days and have a ton of make-up work to do so you can relax a bit- and i can't. anyways, definetly do your own studio- you'll have more freedom that way. plus, it's much cooler :) as for the college- i am stumped. i don't live around there so i don't know the colleges real well. sorry. good luck on your project, and when you get stressed- well think of me.

  6. first you have to go to college 2 be a teacher then go to work   at the school  and ask 4 a volleyball job
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