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my guinea pigs wont drink theyre water!

its been full since last night so i keep changing it but the still wont drink it!

my parents wont take me to the vet so i dont know what to do!

theyre eating and stuff but they wont drink theyre water at all!




  1. is the water in a dish or in a bottle that hangs on the side of the cage ? most guinea pigs prefer to drink from the bottle.

  2. maybe they arent thirsty? i wouldnt drink anything if i wasnt thirsty .

  3. all animals have survival instinct- they will eat when they are hungry, and drink when they are thirsty.

    guinea pigs don't consume a whole lot of water, so more than likely the water level will not change over night.

    if your guinea pig stop eatting for 3 or more days, take him to the vet.

  4. Maybe their not thirsty or your water source isn't working =]

  5. dont put the vitamin c drops in the next time and see if that works if it doesnt dont worry my hamster will drink when hes thirsty and yours will too

  6. your gunea pig may have some sort of sickness so taking it to the vet is most prefrable for now

    but i can make some suggestions:

    what do you use?if you're using a water bottle,make sure it's functioning perfectly.make sure the metallic/plastic ball on the end of the bottle is still moving.maybe your guines pig just cannot drink well beacuse the water ball is stuck or something.

    if that's the case,just use a water bowl.not really preferabble as guinea pigs most likely to just poops on it but it's an option.try placing a water bowl in front of it when it's eating.

    but all in all,you should seek veterinary advise.just to make sure.try to persuade your mom about it.

    i hope i helped!

  7. Animals know when they have a need for eating or drinking water.  Let them be independent, if they manage you emotionally ...they would drive you crazy.  For your peace of mind and also then give your self space (ans also give then space).

  8. try moving the water it sounds stupid but it worked for my friend's guinea pig try that hope it helps

  9. Try getting your water from a different source like if u use the kitchen sink use another one i know its the same pipes and stuff but maybe theres something wrong with it ,or they arent thirsty

  10. You can take out the vitamin C just in case they don't like the smell ( you can't smell it).   Or put the water in a bowl.  They will tip it over but you won't worry about them dying.

  11. maybe they dont like the water.

    try giving them purified water if ur giving them tap water.

    i dont know try giving them multiple waters and see which one they like best.


  12. As long as they're eating, don't worry. They will drink when they are good and ready.

    If you can't accept that, give them some lettuce; it's more than 95% water.

  13. maybe they arent thirsty

  14. they might no like the water but at the pet shop and have things to put in the water to make it taste like what they like try it out and if nothin happens also try to change the temp. of the water or the vet

  15. put some vitamine c drops into the water it like attracts them and gives them vitamine so if they dont drink after a while theyll still have vitamine.


  16. maybe they're not thirsty
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