
Help!!positive preg test-bleeding for 2 weeks?

by  |  earlier

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i was a day late on period and had an instict to take a test.came back positive. i then started bleeding a little bit and since it has became heavy and some days has clots. it will be 2 weeks of bleeding tommorow.for a couple of months i have had preg symptoms but this could be im unsure as to how far gone i could be and why i have bled for so long. i have had a mc before and the bleeding didnt last this long.

iv had some mild to more painful cramping

iv taken another test friday and it still came back as positive

i havnt visited a doc yet

is it possible to be preg with twins and lose one?

thanks for reading




  1. Yes you can be pregnant with twins and lose one, but you need to go and see a doctor. Only then will you get the correct answer.  

  2. why wouldnt you go see a doctor, if your positive your pregnant than bleed...go see someone!

  3. You should have went to the doctor. Especially not have waited 2 weeks. The first sign of bleeding during pregnancy you should seek medical attention straight away. I think you might have had a miscarriage as you have bled heavily for a long time and had stomach cramps. I noticed someone already said that the hormone does stay in your body for about 4 weeks so the test would come back as positive. Go and see your doctor.  

  4. Why in this world would you wait this long and still not go to the doc. Even if it at first wasn't a mc then waiting this long probally led to you having one and bleeding longer. I would visit the dr or ER ASAP!  

  5. You should go to the docs, do u feel dizzy or light headed, and weak?? I had bleeding with clots too in my pregnancy and Im still pregnant and the baby is fine, It depends how many pads u go thru  and dont use tampons. The only way to know is to go to the docs . If it is a miscarriage there r alot of things that can happen. I know u dont want to hear bad news but it may save u and a future pregnancy. I went thru it and I thought for sure Iost the baby and then they did a sono and I cried saying the baby is still there. Its a hard situation but to save this baby or u and future pregnancies go to an ER . And yes u can bleed that long Ive been bleeding for almost  3 weeks just not to heavy and they have done 2 sonos and several internals and everything is fine. I do have to take it easy, but I dont have to be on bed rest

  6. you should see a doc as soon as possible. bleeding is never a good sign. good luck

  7. i believe you have had a miscarriage as you did have cramping and heavy bleeding. the hgc hormone can stay up in the body for 2-6 weeks, so if you take a hpt it will come up positive. some people do bleed in pregnancy but never that long without it being something major. go to a doc to be sure...good luck.

    nooo...theres no way possible you can have period type bleeding [like filling up a couple of pads everyday] for 7-10 days while pregnant. people do bleed that long but the bleeding is lighter.

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