
Helppp ,, am i pregnant?

by  |  earlier

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ok me and my boyfriend have been having oral s*x but he hasent put in literally his di*k inside me just close around my pants inside but no inside my vag*** and he hasent cummed on me either , but im scared cause i missed my period this month ! but i dont feel any symptoms , helppp!!




  1. most likely, you are not pregnant.

    take a pregnancy test just to be sure.

  2. take the test

  3. how old are you? 12. you cant get pregnant if you have not had s*x.  

  4. You should try a pregnancy test. Even though he never fully placed it in it could still affect you. Next time you should a condom no matter what. You may have an irregular period or something like that. That has happened to be.It may take a year or so for your periods to regulate but I do not know how old you are.hope I helped.

  5. If you are going to be so paranoid - DON'T ENGAGE IN SEXUAL ACTIVITY. Get educated first. If you were educated, you would know that you cannot get pregnant from oral s*x.


  6. It is possible to get pregnant with out penetration. If your boyfriend ejaculates near the opening of you v****a it is possible to get pregnant, however the chances would be very slim.

    There could be a lot of reasons your period is late. If you are stressing about it coming that could cause a delay. If you are underweight, or lost a lot of weight recently that could also effect it.

    If it is more than 2 weeks late you should take a pregnancy test.

    In the future, please be sure that you use protection even during oral s*x. It is still possible to contract many unpleasant STD's, including AIDS, from having unprotected oral s*x.

    Don't ever let anyone pressure you into having any type of sexual activity if you are not ready. You have your whole life ahead of you, and so much time to explore sexuality in the future. Right now you should focus on school and your friends and not get caught up with the boys.

    Something that I wish someone would have told me when I was younger is that boys will tell you anything to get what they want. Don't fall into their trap! And if you do decide to have any kind of sexual activity use protection.

    Right now you may feel like you friends are the only thing that matters, and give into peer pressure to do things you don't want to. You should always do what you feel is right and if you have friends trying to convince you otherwise they are not true friends.

    Some of the most popular kids that I went to school with are very unsuccessful in their adult life. And some of the biggest "nerds" or "losers" and up doing the most amazing things!

    So be true to yourself, don't ever comprise your beliefs and follow your passions. I wish you the best!

  7. take a test  

  8. if your sooo scared, get ablood test from a doc, but i least expect that your pregnant.

  9. i don't think so, but there is always a tiny little chance.

    maybe you are just being under stress because of this, that is why you missed your period? hm? I would say so.

  10. Just to repeat what the previous answer said...go see a doctor and/or get a pregnancy test kit...I dont wish to sound insulting but you both sound very inexperienced - aways take precautions!

  11. Go see a doctor  

  12. um, what do you want us to do? we cannot help you except to tell you that you can still get pregnant from not having s*x if his sperm gets any where near your eggs. go get a pregnancy test. It will tell you for sure if you are pregnant. Then go to your doctor.

  13. take a test...go to a doctor

    wait a few months and see what happens...but dont wait too long

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