
Helppp me?

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1 Which of the purpose of punishment do Americans think is most important in sentencing adults?

a Incapacitation

b Deterrence

c Retribution

d Rehabilitation

e Restoration

2 Punishments that are less severe and costly than prison, but more restructive than traditional probation, are called...

a indeterminate sentances

b Mandatory sentences

c "good time" sentences

d presumptive sentences

e intermediate sanctions

3 Which is the most frequently applied criminal sanction?

a probation

b the death penatly

c life in prison

d indeterminate sentences

e presumptive sentences

4 what is a "death qualified" jury?

a) a jury that hears a capital case

b) Juries in which all members are in favor of using a death penalty

c) Juries that convict capital offenders

d) juries that convict capital offenders

e) any jury hearing a felony case




  1. c.c.c.c.

  2. 1. D. Rehabilitation is the best purpose of punishment

    2. E. Intermediate sanctions are less severe.

    3. C. Life in prison is the most frequent sanction

    4. A. A jury that hears a capital case is "death qualified".
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