
Helpppp!!!!! Special K challenge??

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Okay so i was thinking of starting the special k challenge because i want to lose about 5 pounds i am absolutely average im not even close to being overweight but i just want to slim down a little. I heard that you kind of starve yourself on that diet and that you can slow your metabolism. Is there any other types of diets that are easy, quick, and safe for me to use. I am in my teens. Thank you soo much!! xxo




  1. You're exactly right about metabolism. Your body goes into starvation mode and won't lose weight. I got to about 210 and needed to get back to 150, and I had weeks where I would do 1200 calories and maybe even GAIN a pound that week! I found out it's because you need fiber. So instead of the Special K challenge, eat All-Bran with extra fiber for breakfast. Only half a cup, with half a cup of skim milk and chase it with a glass of water. Then get one other source of fiber (not a supplement - get it from real food like maybe a cup of peas) along with the usual 5 servings of fruits and veg, a little protein and so on - and you can't believe how your progress will jump.


  2. I think the best way to loose weight is to eat six small meals a day. Yeah it may sound like lot, but really i think the the healthiest way to keep your matabolism running. for example when you wake up you can eat a yogurt and drink a glass of water. (drink a glass of water because water fills you up). then maybe two and a half hours later you can have a banana and a glass of water. so on and so forth. just remember to stay away from soda-pop. did you know it takes 3 hours to walk off the calories from soda? so i think your best bet is to just drink water or some kind of tea. Also remember that dieting does not mean you cant eat what you want, all you have to do is try and stay away from a lot of suger but at the same time portion things out and just dont eat as much as you usually do. Good luck!

  3. What I did, (and I can't honestly tell whether or not I lost weight, but I looked and felt great) was ate regular, healthy meals (breakfast & lunch) at school, then worked out for about an hour each day at my school's weight room. Then, after my workout, I would mix protein powder with water and evidently, drink it, hah.

    As soon as I stopped doing all this, I didn;t gain weight, but I looked terrible, and felt terrible. If you eat a lot, as soon as you feel your muscles aching, all you'll want to do is eat healthy.

    Also, try doing at least 20 minutes of cardio a day.

  4. You actually believe that commercial.....

    you must be kidding me

  5. Hey, Bella, this one is easy.  EAT all the fresh veggies/fruit, beans, whole grains you could possibly want.  And throw in some nuts and seeds too.  Your body is a smart machine and knows what it needs to run smoothly and efficiently - it needs carbs, proteins, fats, minerals, vitamins, fibers, water, etc.  Unfortunately, it only has one way to ask for what it needs.  It says that it is hungry - period.

    If you eat as I suggest for one month all the food cravings, food obsessions, food fear, etc. will be silenced because your body will FINALLY be getting what it needs and wants.  Plus, you will lose weight.  I promise.

    Avoid processed food - whole wheat spaghetti/good; Captain Crunch/bad.  You are a natural being meant to eat natural foods.

    Also, stay away from all those diet pills, potions, and lotions - the only thing they will make lighter is your wallet.  ALL that diet stuff is a CROCK!!

    So, I've had my say.  Do as you will.  :)

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