
Helpppp my baby's father is gone what do i do????

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My boyfriend of 3 years broke it off with me for another girl just a few days ago and i am now due in a few days.... i just found out that he is denying the baby to the girl but when he doesn't say it to me or his family.. do you think he has any intentions on being with this girl long term or does he think he can do this because we have a baby and we are going to the same college in january and how does he expect to take care of the baby if he denying her to the girl (any answers)... and no i dont want to be with him he is a jerk but i just want to know




  1. Sounds like you and him are really young. Guys normally mature ALOT slower-if he left you for another girl a few days before you're due, you need to go ahead and give up on him. Even if he decided to come back to you, you may get comfortable with the situation and he'd leave again. He probably doesn't have intentions of being with any girl very long at this point. It could be immaturity, or it could be the way he was raised, but either way, he'll regret it someday. You need to concentrate on your baby and getting things ready for it right now. Forget him for now, there are better guys out there that would take his place. goodluck.

  2. Lets face it your final statement is correct the guy is a complete idiot!! You are well shot of him if he is going to deny his own daughter and run off with another girl... this has just happened to a friend of mine and its so frustrating... get your friends and family around you to help and get him as far away from you as possible, if he finally has a change of heart then make sure you make him earn his right to see his daughter not just to come and go as he pleases cos if he will abandon you he will abandon your daughter and trying to explain to a child where her father is gone would be one tricky conversation.... good luck!

  3. He walked out on you and his responsibilities. It makes no difference what his intentions are to anyone else. I suggest you start putting the child support issues in order, talk to a lawyer or go to family services. One can no longer simply deny parentage, there are tests for that. Let the law deal with him.  

  4. I think you will be a single mother.  First thing to do is go to court to get child support ordered.  I am sure there will have to be a DNA test.  

    Just start focusing on yourself and your baby.  You need to try to move on with our life without him.  He will be in the picture because of your child but you need to concentrate on the baby and your education.

  5. You need to clear your mind.

    Forget about trying to decipher what his intentions are.

    What he wants at this point is irrelevant.

    Forget about her, she is just his pawn.

    He is using her to run away from responsibility. If it was not her, it would be another female. He is just looking for an escape.

    Have the baby, request a dna test, take the results to the local child support enforcement agency.

    Focus on the baby and school.

    Switch schools if it will be too emotionally draining.

    Live life like he doesn't matter....because at this point he is worthless to you anyway.

    Best wishes

  6. Okay first you need to worry about the baby hurts but your main focus needs to be the baby...Oh, and he will take care of the baby one way or another (Child Support).  Another thing is if he broke up with you after 3 yrs. for another girl he was more than likely seeing that girl while you two were together sorry.  Who cares what his intentions are with her.  His intentions for you are to leave you and HIS baby and make you feel abadoned.  You need to hold onto whatever support you have family, friends, whatever...and truly let him... go he did, he let you and HIS child go...girl there is a quote that says "there's a thin line btwn. love and a waste of time" good luck

  7. Marry before having a child with someone, he hasn't made any committment to you, so he doesn't have to stay.  Once you prove he is the father through the courts then he will pay child support.

  8. He's a creep!  Whatever his intentions are with this girl is no concern of yours.  Let her have him and be thankful you are rid of him.  Good for you - continue your education and get some legal advice on his responsibilities and financial support.  You made one mistake in making a baby with him.  Don't make another by wrapping your life with his.  Take care of you because you need to take care of your new baby.  Get some moral support from friends and family.

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