
Helpppp! pleaseeeeee?

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i have to run 2 miles tomorrow. for my school sport.. i can only run like one. what are some techniques for pushing yourself or to help me run the second mile without stopping to walk because im really tired. were supposed to run the whole timebasically when i get to the second mile its hard to breathe and my ankles hurt.. i know that obviously means im out of shape.




  1. pace yourself, don't start off too fast. also make sure you drink enough water

  2. don't get too excited or worry about what everyone else around you is doing. definitely pace your self. make sure you drink a lot of water. also watch for your form, make sure your back is straight no matter what don't hunch over its drags you down a lot. don't think about anything. just run for fun. and if you think about anything. think about how great your going to feel after you finish.

  3. another thing to do is thinkin of things that will motivate u to keep goin when it starts to hurt like someone who u might look up to who u know wouldnt give up there and sometimes i think to myself when i really wanna finish is "id rather die then give up here", lol i know no one includin myself dont really wanna die doin it but thinkin like that helps me push that much harder when i need to.

  4. First of all keep hydrated.

    Start off at your own speed, do not run fast or you will get tired way to easily, so just run at your own pace and you will make it.

  5. think how would chuck norris do it

  6. I would stick to the old marathon strategy...start slow and then taper off! It also helps to take it in segments, especially after the first mile, instead of counting the laps you have done, count the laps you have left. After five laps instead of dwelling on the fact that you have already run five think about only three to go and then two and finally the last lap! You should also concentrate on your breathing using slow, controlled, deep breaths and count in and helps to distract you from your other discomforts. Good luck!
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