
Helpppppppppppppp !!!!!!!!!!!!!!?

by  |  earlier

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i dnt know how to speak no to others for the things i cant do, can u tell me how to do ? i cant say no to anybody.




  1. Aww...I just think that you are a very nice person and that''s good! But you should say no when you feel really uncomfortable to a request. You must realize that sometimes saying no to certain things will probably not hurt their feelings. Just explain to them why you can't do it.

    You can say no to them for the things you can't do, and I'm sure they will understand. You can still always say "yes" to the things you can or want to do. I'm not sure I know of any other way to help, but I wish good Luck!

  2. I'm the same way until i was taken for granted and people started talking behind my back sometimes you just have to learn how to say no have you ever wondered how many of those people you've help will really help you in a time of need  

  3. I think if you explain your situation before saying might not have to. Most people get the hint and understand. Start your sentence saying..."'s the situation..." and then explain yourself. You're only harming yourself by not being able to say no. I used to be the same way. And then one day it clicked....that by doing what I can't I'm really hurting myself and not doing as good enough a job in helping my friends and family as I could if I had just been honest. So yeah...its time to pick up your shield and arm yourself with honesty. You can do it!  

  4. juts tell 'em i will try!  

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