
Helton and Pemberton interviews??

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Did anyone hear either give an apology to the fans??

I sure as h**l didn't. I guess it takes a ''REAL MAN'' to admit when their tire testing rules stink !!!

Thanks Again you 2 nit-witts !! Fire yourselves !! Nascars gotten to big for ya!!




  1. Both of them didn't apologize to the fans. They are both patseys!

  2. Yes, greenbean, Jr. DID apologize to the fans.  Classy thing to do.

    I didn't see any apology from Helton or Pemberton... although Pemberton agreed that the race was a disaster.  To be honest, he creeps me out a bit...

  3. JR did

  4. The Goodyear exec they had on also didn't apologize to the fans.

    If I'd been there *at* the Brickyard, I would have been so pissed.  So much for trying to make sure fans get their money's worth in this tough economy!

  5. WTF is everyone keep saying Jr apologized? I know he is SORRY but thats a whole nother point. Take your blinders off and see that EVERY driver they interviewed apologized. Not just golden Jr.

  6. Yes, the fans and drivers should sue NASCAR for negligence!  What a travesty that was, even though Jimmie won.  If Matt Kenseth does not make the chase he should take them to the cleaners in a lawsuit that would make that former inspector's one look like small change.  Sorry about your boy, Snake, what a shame.

    3 STR8 N 08!!!

  7. That was the worst race ever.  I cannot believe I actually sat through it.  I have never been to a sports bar before when the guys and gals diodn't shout and laugh or swear at the TV and have fun.   Today it was fairly quiet and the complaints were the tires.  Just an extrememly painful "race" to watch.

    They should be embarrassed. and if there is one shred of decency in them, for the fans and drivers, they should apologize. Don't expect it though.

  8. There is a sort of code with all big business, Never apologize if you can avoid it.

  9. Yes Junior did apologize.  That tells you HE cares about the fans.  I bet the two big wigs are too embarassed to say anything.  And getting a apology, forget it.

  10. You will never hear either of them apologize, if they do it wont be on TV. Nascar should have had a open test for all teams for Indy. They had a tire test in April at Indy with three teams but thats all. Sorry about Matt, that thing blew into pieces, one of the worst tire failures I have ever seen.

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