
Hematocrit/ hemaglobin..?

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how can hematocrit be normal but hemaglobin low?..and vice versa?

thanks :)




  1. Hyperlipemic plasma may falsely elevate the hemoglobin

    An extremely high number of WBCs may falsely elevate the hemoglobin

    Inadequate hemolyzation or mixing of the sample will falsely decrease the hemoglobin

    Acute hyperosmotic conditions will lead to cell shrinkage as water moves out of the cells to equalize the osmotic pressure ... This will result in falsely low results

    Variations in protein concentration in plasma, e.g. in patients undergoing cardiopulmonary bypass where plasma dilution with protein-free electrolyte solution is necessary, will affect the Hct significantly

    A decreased level of MCV due to microcytosis will lead to falsely low Hct results, as the RBCs may be recognized as leucocytes  (CBC Method)

    In blood with abnormally sized or shaped RBCs, more plasma will be trapped, causing a higher positive bias of Hct

    Hemolysis will destroy the cell walls and lead to false packing of the cells, giving falsely low results

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