
Hemp can be used as....?

by Guest58357  |  earlier

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an alternative fuel for automobiles. Why doesnt the goverment use hemp intead of corn? The corn we are using for fuel can be used to feed the hungry in third world nations.




  1. The government doesn't use hemp because admitting that hemp can be used for thousands of helpful things would be equal to the government saying they were wrong...and when is the last time you heard the government admit openly they they screwed up? I think the other thing is if they admit that hemp is useful for rope, fuel, and other things they are afraid that saying that means potheads would be one step closer to legalizing weed....The other thought is that the US government has a lot of things they could be doing for this country but instead they choose to push it aside in favor of robbing the middle and lower class for all their hard earned money. There are a ton of different reasons possible but the truth is trying to figure out why the government does certain things is like trying to figure out why cats jump 30 feet in the air from a dead sleep. No one will ever know.

  2. Hemp has no natural sugars, so it can't be processed like corn. It would have to use the technology they're working on for switchgrass. And for that purpose, switchgrass is more efficient.

  3. George Washington used it for heating and lighting oil.minimally.It was used in the design of the first diesel and stream automobiles.But only old people can legally smoke it so the wont talk.

  4. The corn used for ethanol is not edible for humans.  There a different classes of edibility for corn.  The corn grown for ethanol is strictly used for ethanol and the nutrition value of that product would not be good for sustenance.  We as humans should probably get away from so much corn consumption anyway.  We need more variety in our diet and less corn (corn syrup etc.)

  5. a drug

  6. No.  The corn can not be used to feed the hungry in third world nations.  

    That would put the farmers out of business in the countries you are thinking of.  Everybody would then have to join the queue for as long as it lasted and then starve. (This is charity 101)

    The only people who try and dump unwanted surplus food on Africans, because they don't much care what happens and can get votes at home by subsidising farmers - are the French.

  7. hemp is not cannabis it does not have the THC (high causing chemical)it is primarily used in the textile industry for clothe and other like materials,it is gaining a rapid foothold on farms as a cash crop it requires very little care or fertilizers and is fairly easy to harvest.I have not heard of it having any benefits in the ethanol market,also corn is corn whether it is for human or animal consumption once a civilization makes a food source more important for a fuel source we are in big trouble.There are many other non food materials that can be used for ethanol that need to be developed like sugar beets and even sugar cane stalks

  8. Hemp has traditionally been used to make ropes so one can toe the vehicles and hoist the flags and sails

  9. Hemp seed is rich in oil and is easily converted to Bio-Diesel.  When I was in college (several years ago), some research was being conducted to determine which seed-stock produce the most oil and which could best be converted into bio-fuel.  The research showed that hemp seed was a far better source than other common seeds such as canola, rapeseed, and soy.

    Check out this article from the Univ. of Montana.

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