
Henry VIII's wives?

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Who was the most favored wife of Henry VIII's wives and why???

Katherin of Aragon?

Anne Boleyn?

Jane Seymour?

Anne of Cleves?

Catherine Howard?

Catherine Parr?




  1. Jane Seymour because she produced the longed for son.

  2. I would say Jane Seymour. She gave him a son, and she didn't live long enough to fall out of favour. If she had, who knows what would have happened.

  3. Anne Boleyn by far...but not for long

    Elaine - for the CATHOLIC citizens, yes. Of course catholics even today would claim that henry only had on wife  - Henry would have claimed that catherine never was his wife

  4. Jane Seymour as she gave birth to his only son. He is also buried beside his beloved Jane.

  5. favored by whom?  Henry or the public?  For the public it would be Katherine of Aragon, by Henry I really couldnt say.  He went crazy for Anne Boleyn but then had her beheaded.

  6. jane seymour she gave him the son he been wanting for such a long time

  7. Well, he was married to Katherine of Aragon for longer than all the others put together, and he probably loved her for the longest period.  Moreover, he loved her when he was still young, handsome and athletic, so she definitely had the best of him.

    However, Jane Seymour was the one who pleased him the most, by giving him a son.  She was the only one he considered to have really fulfilled her main role as queen.

  8. They were all favoured at different times, except Anne of Cleves whom he called The Flanders Mare, having been tricked into proposing to her by a very flattering portrait of her. This marriage was annulled.

            He was madly in love with Anne Boleyn, mainly because she wouldn't sleep with him until she got a promise of marriage. His many marriages were driven by his absolute need for a male heir. Therefore his most favoured wife was his third, Jane Seymour as she produced a living son for him.Sadly she died soon afterwards so that may have been another reason she remained the favourite. She did not live long enough for him to tire of her!

                Her son did become king after Henry's death.He was King Edward VI but he was a sickly youth and died aged 15.He was succeeded by Queen Mary or "Bloody Mary" as she became known,the daughter of Henry and his first wife, Catherine of Aragon.

  9. At the time, Anne Boleyn. He gave her everything she ever wanted and showered gifts and affection upon her. And I think that even though he beheaded her, that was a testiment to how much he loved her. He heard the allegations of her....promiscuity among men in her service as well as her own brother, and he coulnd't bear to have her still living. There were rumours at the time of him sending her to a nunnery and forbidding her from ever seeing Elizabeth (her daughter again) or possibly into exile......but he was so hurt and felt so betrayed that he couldn'tbear the thought of her living on, so he ended her life. And even when he condemned her to beheading, he still gave her a fine swordsman from France to do it. Swords was cleaner and faster than by axe.

    however, in the long run, I think he loved Jane Seymour most because she was the exact opposite as Anne Boleyn. Fair, demure, quiet, domestic, pious. And mainly, she gave him a son. Ever since his fall that permanently injured his leg, he didn't want a woman who could turn him on hotter than fire (liek Anne) he wanted a motherly, warm figure. Jane could do that with her knowledge of healing herbs, her habit of watching the servants cook her father's dinner to make sure it is satisfactory, etc. She is actually reminiscent of Catherine Of Aragon, who while a wife to Henry VIII, was liek a motehr figure to him as well.

    hope that helps.

  10. Hello,

    I would be Jane Seymour:

    Her epitath:

    Above her grave, there was for a time the following inscription:

    Here lieth a Phoenix, by whose death

    Another Phoenix life gave breath:

    It is to be lamented much

    The world at once ne'er knew two such.

    After her death, Henry wore black for the next three months and did not remarry for three years, although marriage negotiations were tentatively started soon after her death. Historians have speculated that it was Seymour's "achievement" of securing Henry a male heir that made her so fondly remembered by him. When he died in 1547, Henry was buried beside her.


    Michael Kelly

  11. Catherine Parr ... she survived him!

  12. HE was married to Katherine of Aragon for over 20 years and loved her, but she could not give him a son.  Otherwise, they would have died together.

  13. it is simple really it was jane seymour due to the fact she gave him the son he had craved for so very long

  14. Jane Seymour.  She gave him the male heir he so deperately wanted.

  15. Jane Seymour because she gave him a son and heir, and she died before he could get annoyed with her and chop her head off too.
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