
Henry VIII achievements resources (websites)?

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I am doing a report on Hernry VIII. I need some good websites that will give me a biography maybe, and his greatest achievements.




  1. Henry VIII was a significant figure in the history of the English monarchy. He is often remembered for his struggles with Rome. These struggles ultimately led to him separating the Anglican Church from Roman authority, the Dissolution of the Monasteries, and establishing the English monarch as the Supreme Head of the Church of England.

    Henry is known to have been an avid gambler and dice player. In his youth, he excelled at sports, especially jousting, hunting, and real tennis. He was also an accomplished musician, author, and poet; his best known piece of music is Pastime with Good Company ("The Kynges Ballade"). The King was also involved in the original construction and improvement of several significant buildings, including Nonsuch Palace, King's College Chapel, Cambridge and Westminster Abbey in London.

  2. the introduction of divorce.................the church of England .............his daughter becoming the virgin queen             having 6 wives.usually remembered as 1,divorced 2, beheaded 3,died 4,beheaded 5,beheaded 6,survived......then followed by his son Edward  not long to rule .....followed by daughter mary aka Bloody Mary.....then Elizabeth 1

  3. His greatest acheivement may have been the separation of England from the Catholic Church and creating the Church of England.  This is because this separation has continued today.

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