
Henry VIII?

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what was his Complaint with the Catholic Church?




  1. It wouldn't let him get a divorce, so he left it, created the Church of England and got the divorce.

  2. Basically two things Women and Money

    Women he wanted a Divorce

    Money by the 1530's the treasury was a bit skint and the "church" had plenty if you include land value.

    Just to set the record straight ~ Henry VIII did not found the church "of" England he mearly made himself head of the church "in" England,

    The Church "of" England owes more to his daughter Elizabeth I

  3. It was as much politics as anything else.  He wanted a divorce, the Pope would not give him one (because the Pope was being held hostage in his own city by one of Katherine of Aragon's (Henry VIII's 1st wife).  To get his divorce, Henry needed permission from the Church.  The easiest way was by making himself head of the church on earth.  So he did.  His only complaint with the Catholic Church was the lack of a divorce.

  4. The Pope wouldn't grant him an annulment.

  5. Henry wanted to divorce his first wife, Catherine of Aragon, so that he could marry Anne Boleyn. The Church refused to grant the divorce. That is why Henry eventually founded the Church of England, in which the monarch, not the Pope, is the Supreme Head. That is still true today.
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