
Hep a homesick girl?

by  |  earlier

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I'm living in the states and am desperately homesick for Palermo.. If anyone is willing to link to pix of my hometown I'd be forever appreciative




  1. Mi dispiace... spero che sia una cosa momentanea. How long have you been in the US? Where are you living? Are you in the States for work or study?

    Palermo is a wonderful city and I can understand you missing it... especially if your friends and family are there. I am sure your American experience will be a positive experience for you.... and you'll be back home before you know it.

    here is a very American saying: "Time flies when you are having fun". So cheer up, work and study hear AND have a GOOD time.

    Saluti da uno che capisce benissimo cosa vuol dire stare lontano da casa.


    Don't be homesick...There is the Sicilian culture everywhere and Italian neighborhoods in Brooklyn and Bronx NY to name a few.  Depending on where you are now, I can name off the better Italian restaurants (not to mention my parents' house)  Dad would say Palermo is rich in culture from many surrounding cultures especially the Arabs (as you know).  Channel 28 (Los Angeles) did an aerial tour of Sicily and sells a dvd or tape.  Sicilians I show it too are awestruck.    Everyone loves Italians here in the States.  The Sopranos doesn't do it for you?

    Just kidding....


  3. i know what you mean...i went in praga last year and when i came back i cried in front of a dish of pasta alla carbonara!it's hard to be far from home..if you want to we can talk sometimes(would be an chance to improve my english and confort a poor compaesana!)dimmelo se vuoi ti contatto..una ventata di italianità nn fa mai male!

    good luck!                                        


    ps when you're home sick go on youtube and whatch some videos from italy

  4. Here you go.

    Cheers! (--,)

  5. Do not be sad. You Italians for the world, are the pride of Italy. You are the brothers  that we will never know.  You are the children of our emigrants whom they have worked in all the world.  You visit Yahoo! Answers Italy, you will feel less sad and you will be able to know many Sicilian friends. I hug you. Good luck for everything.


    Excuse me for the mistakes
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