
Hepatitis B Vaccine...?

by  |  earlier

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Since I'll be starting pre-clinical/clinical practice next year, the faculty is having me vaccinated against both Hep A and B... And I checked my date and my second dose for Hep B is due the same day I'm going to celebrate my birthday... So it all boils down to this:

Is it safe to drink (moderately) shortly after receiving an Hepatitis shot, could that diminish the effects of the vaccine? Increase side-effects, nausea perhaps?




  1. I am a Certified Medical Assistant

    Drinking does not effect  the injection. Just Do NOT miss it

  2. I Would Think it Would Be OK.

  3. No effects.

    BUT I can not speak for 100% certainty!!! only experience. please check w/your dr to be sure!!

    but to my knowledge and experience, drinking is fine.

  4. idk

    but i've gotten all three shots and i'm fine.

  5. No, you can drink, it won't effect either.

    The second date for Hep B is one month after the first but it can be anytime once that month has gone by, it doesn't have to be one month to the day.

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