My daughter is two.
Her father was my boyfriend, but when i got pregnant he freaked a little, and left me. I have only heard from him 7 times in her life, all from letters. They were:
Day she was born, First Christmas, Christening, First Easter, 1st Birthday, Christmas, Easter.
He hasn't seen her, but when he replied to my christening invitation he said "No.I won't be attending. Give her a hug &kiss for me. Here's a christening Card. I would love photos." All his letters have been similar. "e.g. "Happy Birthday." And that's it.
He called me last week.
I had only seen those 7 letters, all for our daughter anyway.
And then, last week, I heard his voice.
He was crying, telling me he was so sorry, and he wanted to see her so badly, and he regrets leaving us, he still loves me, even though its been two years. He was literally bawling.
I told him i needed some time, and i would call him back in a week or so.
His letters have always been short, but fairly plain and kind.
And although, i still have so much anger with him, i know it's our daughters right to see him, and his to see her.
I really don't know what to do.
Thanks x