
Her parents want us to break up after 2 years...?

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My girlfriend and I (both 15 yrs. old) have been together for just over 2 years now and her parents want us to break up. We are both very mature, both being in all Honors Classes in school. Her parents have never really showed that they liked me, but they never showed a dislike either. I understand right where they are coming from. I am sure that they are nervous about the length and seriousness of our relationship. However, I love her so much, and would never want to harm her. We have not had s*x or anything that serious that would make it too obvious on why they want us to break up. I really want to talk to them and discuss more about the situation, but I am not quite sure. What should I do?




  1. well I would talk to there parents and say listen I respect you and your decisions. I would like to know why you dont want me continuing to see your daughter. Your goal as parents is to make sure your daughter is a successful women with a very good guy. And I beleive I fit that category

  2. it's great you've both made good decisions as far as your relationship goes, having s*x early is not a smart move. continuing this should prove to your parents, and more importantly to yourself, that you can handle one.

    to me, if my parents said to break up, i wouldn't listen. if you feel you are mature enough to be in a steady one now, then don't let anyone stop you. in the future you'll be in charge of your relationships and everything else in your life.


  3. You do what you just said you want to do. That is being honorable.  

  4. I am sure that the main reason they want you to break up is that they think that you are both too young to be this serious...Soon, you'll both be going away to separate schools and they prolly wouldn't want the relationship to affect which path she may decide to choose.  You both sound like you are very mature...both taking honors classes, not having s*x yet..that def shows responsibility.  I think it might be a good idea to try to talk to them about it.  just make sure your g/f approves of you talking to them.....

  5. talk to them about it. dont ignore it or they will keep bring it up. and it will frustrate everyone.  

  6. josh josh josh...... where have i gone wrong with you??? the only reason i want you to break up with her is BECAUSE you havent had s*x with her despite the fact that you have been going out for TWO YEARS !!!!! not only that didnt i tell you that if she doesnt put out after the 3rd date , dump her? but as usual you werent listening. the only reason men go out with women is TO GET LAID. you already have friends. men and women cant be friends. theres always going to be tension. stop being such a p*u*s*s*y*. what on earth are they teaching you in those honors courses anyways. one last thing no matter what your mom says its not cool to pee sitting down. she such a pain in the a*s*s*



  7. Parents should not have a say in your relationship.

    2 years and no s*x? geezus

  8. Ok, I've been there. Me and my boyfriend are also 15 and have been dating for 2 1/2 years, weird coincidence. A few months ago, my boyfriends parents wanted us to break up, especially his mom. They were worried about becoming 'grandparents' and thought there child should date other people.

    My guess would be that her parents are thinking along the same lines. They dont wanna become grandparents and want there daughter to date other people too. They think that she should date other people cause you never know if your happy if you with the same person. I figured that out a while ago.

    I would be extremely good for you to go and talk to her parents about this. It would show that you are mature enough to handle things and that you really care for her daughter. Do not break up because someone else tells you to, no matter who it is.

    Just follow your heart, if you feel she is right for you, dont end things. And great job on not doing anything sexual!

  9. I think you have your own question answered. but here is the validation. you really should talk to her mom and dad about it. i am guessing its probably not personal. its probably not that they dislike you or anything but they are probably concerned with your ages, and like you said the s*x, and they don't want to see anything happen. plus a lot of parents don't want to see their children tied down to one person for so long at your age. the way they probably see it is that you have to date around more, and when their daughter isn't doing that, it probably concerns them.

    next time your over just ask them when would be a good time to talk to them. tell them you would like to discuss a few things for them, if they become defensive, just tell them calmly that you really would like to address the issue of you dating their daughter and what their reasons are for not wanting the two of  you to date, ask them if there is anything you can do that can make them more comfortable with the idea of the two of you. it will make you sound as mature as you already seem, and it will give them a chance to speak what is weighing in on their hearts. i am sure there can be some sort of solution reached without the two of you breaking up.

    good luck.

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