
Herbal Supplements and time?

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How long does it take to receive the full effect of herbal supplements. I am taking some that help with fertility, does that happen about a couple weeks into taking them?




  1. Most of the benefits of herbs are more hype than factual.  I'm not denying that some herbs do have some medicinal properties.  It's just that there is a lot more hot air than actual evidence.  I would also dispute that herbs with proven medicinal properties are better than the isolated and purified active substance.

    I'm not aware of any good quality clinical studies showing any herbal treatment will have an effect on fertility. (if anyone thinks there is, send me the link...I'll be happy to review it and retract my answer if proven wrong)

    Which isn't to say you won't find manufacturers and suppliers making's just they don't have any proof of claims.  Anecdotes and testimonials are not proof.

  2. Unfortunately, the answer depends in large part on your body and several factors. Typically, it's anywhere from a few days to a few weeks for someone to notice the benefits of a supplement... we normally suggest to give it a month before deciding to continue or stop a supplement.

    Basically, a supplement gives your body nutrients it's otherwise lacking... that helps your body to be healthier in that particular area, and when something is healthier, it's able to work better. In any case, I wish you and yours good luck!

  3. I depends on herbal supplements quality. I am very happy with healthby supplements. For example, I gave up smoking with nicocure and dropped 2 sizes in 2 months with hoodia

    See link below for more information

  4. I took herbs to help regulate my menstrual cycle. I never did start my menst. because I became pregnant the same month I started taking the herbs. (motherwort and chaste tree berry are the two that I took)

  5. For the most part, herbs that are prescribed to aid with fertility aim to increase the blood flow to the reproductive organs.  They may also be being prescribed to smooth or de-stress the flow of blood & Qi...  Men are usually prescribed herbs to increase the sexual strength, and sometimes libido.

    They begin working as soon as you start taking them.  Herbs are incredibly effective, and need to be taken regularly & at multiple times during the day.

    Do not analyze yourself and take something on your own without a qualified, educated herbalist.

    Many of the herbs you use to help increase fertility should be stopped when the patient becomes pregnant.

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