
Herbal Suppliment?

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I was just diagnosed with Anxiety and I was prescribed loreazpam, which I do not want to take due to the side effects, such as depression and dependency, I was looking on the internet for a herbal suppliment that will help me without the side effects, I found one that sounded GREAT! It's called L-Theanine, Has anyone ever heard of it or taken it? Now remember I am in canada so if you are writing from the states and suggest something it might not be available to me here......thank you




  1. I've heard of L-Theanine.

    Different herbs, amino acids and supplements work or don't work for different people.  If it doesn't help, try 5htp, GABA, St Johns wort, valerian passionflower, etc.

    I think you might want to look into The Mood Cure for more info.

  2. L-theanine is good, probably one of the top calmers, and it is naturally found in green tea, so have a few cups of tea.  You should be able to get Sam-e, which doubles for joint and muscle pain by the way.  Things like 5-htp or L tryptophan help more for mood than anxiety which are separate entities.  You don't need to be depressed  or bad mood to be anxious or have anxiety.

    This product,  Sensoril is also really good for anxiety, read more here:

    A google search will find you a good price and it goes to Canada.

  3. Oh, that's unfortunate... well, there are a number of natural things you can take for stress and anxiety.

    Cutting caffeine and sugar will help quite a bit for dietary concerns, but there is so much more that can help.

    Some of the most popular natural products for stress are GABA, L-Theanine, Rhodiola Rosea, and 5-HTP. L-Tryptophan would also help, but it's banned from being shipped into Canada from the states under normal shipments.

    Good luck!
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