
Herbal cigarettes..?

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I smoke very rarely and only in social situations, mainly parties. Since I do this rarely, probably once every two weeks, I don't really mind the risk of tar, etc. oing in my lungs from inhaling the smoke, I am more worried about the possibility of getting addicted(although, I'm not sure how likely that is since I do not smoke very much). Anyway, I thought a good alternative would be to carry a pack of herbal cigarettes with me to these, I'm wondering what are good brands and where can they be found..?

and please no lectures on how all smoking is bad..I know this, and this is why I do not want to become addicted, however I'm not worried about the ocassional ciggarette, particularily if it is nicotine free. Besides, I will continue to smoke every once in a while, whether or not what I'm smoking is herbal..

Thanks for helping..=]




  1. try this best selling cigarettes at -

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