
Herbal treatments..?

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Hi Everyone,

Has anyone ever tried herbal treatments to treat failing kidneys? My sister has fsgs and she was told that her kidneys are only functioning 20% and she will need a transplant or dialysis soon.




  1. I am not a doctor...just another gal who has many, many health problems and would **LOVE** to get off approximately half of the 15 different medications doctors have piled on me.  Some are good/worth it, others are probably just making me even worse.  I have approximately 15 different diagnoses. Probably more...*whines*.  I have been doing a *lot* of research on natureopathic medicine in the past year.  Based on what I have learned so far,  I strongly advise that your sister consult her doctor PRIOR to using any herbs.  If she uses the wrong ones, it could actually make her kidney failure even worse.  Nope. Not worth it.  Dialysis can actually save her life while she is waiting for her turn at getting the transplant.  Even worse, some herbs and supplements can interfere with her kidney medications.  Sadly, this is a health condition where major medical intervention is necessary.  Another option would be to consult with a naturopathic or holistic kidney specialist.  Be careful in choosing one though.  Check his/her credentials on the web--YES folks, you can actually check and make sure your doctor is legitimate--with                                                                         minimal issues or complaints against him/her.  Good luck.  Let us know what happens so we can all learn from this.

  2. I have FSGS and i have never taken herbal treatment.  i asked my doctor about it once and he said do not do chinese herbs and those types of things. they are not regulated whats in them and a lot of the things in them are harmful to the kidneys. please consult a doctor before doing anything like that.

    i was almost put on the transplant list but i got better and now my kidneys are functioning normally.  

    i take prograf, calcium, iron, vitamin D, aspirin, enalipril, diamox, bumex, prednisone. i used to take epogen shots as well but i am not anemic anymore

    keep fighting and i wish her good luck.  i know what she is going through

  3. Many herbal treatments can be nephrotoxic (toxic to the liver). I would be vary careful before taking anything and consult a doctor first.

    It may actually make matters worse.

  4. I can only say I had terrible kidney problems , and was passing stones,, I didnt have insurance and someone turned me onto this dr who also is an acupuncurist..she treated me once for them and detoxed me, also gave me some amazing chinese herbs ..I dont know whats in them but they dissolved all the stones, she has herbs for everything and if you have a good acupunturist in your area that practices chinese herbal medicine.. id give it a try..the page up here has a acupuncurtist finder at the bottom put in your zip..a good one will look at your dr records and let you know if there is anything they can try, Ive seen all kind of disease and sickeness be treated and have wonderful results. good luck
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