
Herbal uses of palm tree?

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Herbal uses of palm tree?




  1. palm fruits are very much useful for cooling your body.

  2. they draw fatty acids from palm tree oil.  don't use if allergic to tree nuts.

  3. 1.Use of natural or purified lipids or fats extracted from the fruit of a palm tree of the genus Astrocaryum, for increasing dermic and/or capillary hydration.

    2.Areca palm, the fruit of which, the betel nut, is chewed with the betel leaf for intoxicating effects.

    3. Palm oil is an edible vegetable oil.

    4.Palms are valuable as ornamental plants.

    5.The flower buds are used in salad or ground with dried fish to make a condiment for bread.

    6.Dates have a high tannin content and are used medicinally as a detersive (having cleansing power) and astringent in intestinal troubles.

    7.A gum that exudes from the wounded trunk is employed in India for treating diarrhea and genito-urinary ailments

    8.The roots are used against toothache.

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