
Herbs for depression??

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are there any herbs that are really good for depression?




  1. There are several, as has been mentioned.  However, speaking from personal experience, they often need to be taken in doses that would not be obvious from a label in a supplement store.  I'd advise seeking someone educated in the use of alternatives, such as a Naturopathic Physician, if they are licensed in your area.  TCM has some herbal formulas that could help--but they taste awful, so be warned.  Also, you should seek cognitive therapies (e.g. psychologist) in conjunction with chemical (herbs are still chemicals, yes?) intervention.

    Also, DO NOT stop taking your current meds (if any) except under supervision.  If possible, have your alternative provider communicate with your conventional provider to monitor your progress.

  2. take medicines as prescribed by doctor but start yoga too

  3. I'm depressed, and treat it with herbs (I took a course about them).  I recommend St. John's wort and kava.  Kava is great for anxiety and stress, and mixes very well with valerian.  St John's wort is a miracle worker for depression

  4. Some of the most popular natural products for helping with mood are St. John's Wort, SAMe, 5-HTP (or Tryptophan), Rhodiola Rosea, and some stress-relievers like GABA or L-Theanine can help, too.

    Aside from supplements, you can also try going out and doing things you enjoy, spending time with friends, or even having a good cry. If that's not enough to help, maybe talking it out with a trusted friend or an objective third-party person (like a counselor).

    Just remember, even though you might feel bad, it's never as bad as it may feel. Everyone goes through tough times and we can all get through it... sometimes we just need a little extra help ;-) Good luck!

  5. The best herb i have found for depression is Lemon Balm....L.Melissa Officinalis...there is only one hangup with must be made fresh, as it is one of the herbs that when it is dried loses its potency and so is not effective... it is easy  to grow...and lifts depression within hours I found.

  6. I prefer to use Australian Bush Flower Essences more options and you can fine tune your type of depression.

    IF low self esteem and feeling down  you would combine say Five Corners and Sunshine wattle.

    IF in a deep depression they Emergency Essence combo might be better.

    But getting the book and reading up on them is much better "Australian Bush Flower Healing" by Ian White

    ISBN-10: 073380

    Yahoo email group discussing Australian Bush Flower Essences

    You might need some help, so checking out for a practitioner that utilized ABFE would be a good idea.

  7. I've tried L-Theanine. It can help keep you from dwelling too much, but you can't rely on it. You have to make a conscious effort to focus on the moment.
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