
Herbs for the Bladder?

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Are there any herbs that help in strengthening the bladder?. My daughter has a very weak bladder and I was wondering what she may be able to use in herb form that could help her.




  1. Try wild yam tablets you can be them over the counter and at drug store they run roughly around 17 to 20 dollars for 60 of them in a bottle.

  2. Traditional Chinese Medicine (TCM)


    Chinese has good reputation on holistic medicine.

    There are several items to refresh your daughter's

    bladder.  Below links might help.

    Have a swift recovery !

  3. I wish I knew your daughter's age. I agree that uva ursi and cranberry are good. Butterbur is also good for strengthening the bladder and incontinence, it takes about 4-6 weeks to kick in.

    If you are interested in homeopathics, Hylands make two remedies that work great: Bladder Irritation and Enur-aid.

  4. When you say your daughter has a "weak bladder", do you mean she has to go pee frequently, or that she has accidents, or that she doesn't quite make it to the toilet w/out dribbling a bit?  Please clarify this for us.  I agree with all the herbs mentioned so far.  I will also tell you this:  Children with bladder/kidney/adrenal/sexual organ problems (They're all on the same meridian in TCM.) are sometimes pissed off, quite literally, and don't have any other way to express it.  It's also a really intense and effective way to get attention if you're a kid who's feeling like you're not getting enough.  Has there been a new baby or a new lover recently?  Are people expressing their anger and frustration in healthy ways in your household, and by this, I mean ESPECIALLY the adults?  Has there been a big transition lately, like part time to full time school, or a caregiver change or the death of a pet or relative?  Also, how much juice is she drinking, even 100% juice, and how much sugar is your child eating.  Sugar creates more urine in the body, and many, many households don't really monitor the amount of fluids a child drinks; they're just sort of on "a help yourself" basis.  Sometimes moms are really shocked at how much fluid intake their children actually have, when it's totaled up at the end of each day, so try to keep track for a couple of weeks to a month and see what your child is actually taking in.  Sometimes, bladder/pottying issues can be a regression, and a release to easier times when one did not have to be responsible for what happened when one just let go and went to the bathroom.  Sometimes children who are feeling angry, afraid, pressured or burdened (as well as children who've been sexually abused or shamed) will revert to this behaviour.  Also, is it simply an issue of not wanting to take the time out to pee on a timely basis?  Many children have difficulty with transitions like this, and are also out of touch w/ how their body is really feeling, and the messages it's giving them until it's far too late!  Check out the amount of caffeineated foods/drinks your child might be consuming, too, as caffeine is a diuretic.  Hope this helps!  I have yet to meet a "normal" 18 year old w/ issues like this, so eventually, they'll all outgrow it, I've observed.  Best of luck to you, and to your daughter!

  5. My herbal drink is very good for the gall bladder.    It is like a cure-all for many ailments.  It has made my mother-in-law recover from her arthritis.  My friends who tried it recovered from their asthma and diabetes problems.  It is comprised of 5 power herbs.  The most powerful herb, moringa, is even known to cure cancer.  Search the web for Moringa and you’ll know what I mean.

  6. Be careful taking uva ursi as a maintanance herb, meaning every day for long periods. It is used for a  short time during cystitis and UTI's  as an anti-microbial, anti-inflammatory and to tighten the tissue. Long term use can effect the natural tone of the bladder. Meaning that some people who have been on it for long periods of time and have stopped using it noticed that their body has lost the ability to do it's own job since the herb has done it for them. Unless she has a UTI or Cystitis I would not take it.  

    you may want to try cornsilk or horsetail. They help strengthen and tone tissue tissue. Teas would be best rather then tinctures.

    I would see a naturopath or an herbalist in your area to get your daughter a complete diagnosis, especially if she is younger then 12.

  7. Cherokee Indians used parsley to strengthen the bladder.  You would need to make a tea from fresh parsley leaves. Bring water up to a boil, remove pan from heat and add parsley leaves for 30 minutes. Strain and drink.  You can add honey for better flavor.

  8. Probably the best thing your daughter can do for her bladder is exercising it and drink lots of water. By exercising I mean, tell her when she is urinating to stop and hold the urine in three to four times when she has to go, if she goes very much at a time, if not at least two times. If it does not improve, I would take her to a Doctor for a urine test to see if there are any infection, because infections both in the bladder and kidneys can cause this problem. I wish for your daughter the very best young lady, and may all those problems with her bladder leave her young body quickly.

  9. Uva Ursi and cranberry are for infections. Uva Ursi would not be good if you are bladder training, and it can't be taken over 2 weeks on and 2 weeks off.  Uva Ursi is a numbing agent to the bladder wall and Cranberry makes it hard for bacteria to attach to the walls of the bladder. Both are just for infection and not for control at all.

    Butchers broom strengthens blood vessel walls and smooth muscle which is located in the urethra. Bladder training is also a good idea, schedule a trip to the toilet every 2 hours at first for a week and then start to reduce the # of trips or hold out for a little longer.

    Kegal exercise will strengthen the bladder. When peeing, start the flow of urine and then stop, keep doing it, when not peeing use the same muscles to practice clamping down, and relaxing. Hold it clamped down for as long as possible.

    Butchers broom and juniper berries came to mind but you will need to do a little more research on the dosage information. Here is some good info on Butchers broom to get started on

  10. I have seen the herb uva ursi work onthe  bladder and that even cranberry keeps the bladder cleansed from infections.  You might try those two as well as others that are at health food stores.
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