A cajun, man wants a job, but the foreman won't hire him until he passes a little math test. Here is your first question, the foreman said. "without using numbers, represent the number 9".'Without numbers?", the Cajan says, "dats easy." and proceeds to draw three trees.
"What's this?", asks the boss.
"Ave you got no brain? Tree an tree an tree make nine" says the Cajun
Fair enough says the boss. "Here's your next question. Same rules but the number is 99"
The Cajun stares off into space a moment then he marks a smudge on each tree.
The boss scratches his head and asks ,"how on earth does that represent 99?"
"Each of de trees is dirty now.Dirty tree an dirty tree an dirty tree is 99"
The boss is getting worried now that he may have to hire the Cajun."Okay," he says," this time represent the number 100."
The Cajun thinks a moment and then makes a mark at the base of each tree. The boss says," you must be nuts if that represents 100" "Sure it does," says the Cajun. "Dirty tree an a t**d an dirty tree an a t**d an dirty tree an a t**d equals 100. So when do I start?"