
Here's a dumb question: can police issue you a DUI if you're drunk while riding a bike or using a Segway?

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When I say "bike", I'm talking about a bicycle. Not a motorcycle of course.

Sorry. I know this is kind of a dumb question, but nowadays it seems cops will ticket you for just about anything. Even spitting on the sidewalk.

The worst part about cops is that they'll often expect you to know laws like this even when they're unclear. If you stopped a cop on the street and asked him this question, they'd just slough you off and not give you a concrete answer, but in that actual situation, they wouldn't hesitate to ticket you and then blame you for ignorance of the law.




  1. Yes!

  2. Yes they can, one guy got a ticket for driving his lawn mower back from the local bar.

  3. In somes states you can be arrested for DUI while riding a bicycle & in others you can't.

    The Segway you can be arrested because it's a motorized vehicle.

  4. It depends on your state.

    I couldn't charge that here (Missouri), but there are states that fail to specify MOTOR vehicle's for DWI's.

    That means that there have been cases where a person has been charged with DWI while on horseback, for instance.

  5. Usually they just give a public intoxication ticket. But I do know one man who got a DUI on a golf cart in an alley.  You should look up the laws in whatever state you live in. I have found that most police where I live are more than happy to help but that could be unusual in some places.

  6. Yes they can and they do all the time. You can even get a DUI on a horse!

    I live in CA and I believe that if you stopped a cop and asked this in a serious light, they would bother to take the time to tell you or tell you how to look it up.

  7. if your riding your bicycle on a city street or sidewalk drunk - then yes, you can get a DUI

  8. You will be subject to PI, Public Intoxication.

    Most or all states have that law on their books, although it may be old.

  9. A friend of my husband got a DUI for drinking a beer while riding his lawn mower.  He had turned into the public road to double back into his lawn.  He lives in the country and there is no traffic.  The State trooper saw him and ticketed him.

  10. I don't know where you live, but in Illinois, in order to get a DUI, you have to be driving a MOTOR  vehicle. Thats not to say you couldn't be charged with something else if you were driving a bicycle while drunk or high, and the Sedgeway thing presents an interesting angle. A sedgeway is a motor vehicle, am I right? You are not required to carry a complete set of codifide laws around with you but most people know the difference between right and wrong and so most laws are on the books to either protect or provide some type of legal recourse or remedy. Your argument that the police blame you for ignorance of the law is shallow. This would be like somone claiming they didn't know s*x with a minor or murder was illegal and so they should just get a warning and a copy of the law for them to read at their leasure. grow up.

  11. yes, DUI stands for "driving under the influence" not "driving only a car under the influence" but they would probably issue a ticket for being drunk in public rather than a DUI though

  12. Yes they can in the UK.You are a danger to yourself and other road users.Even riding a horse and cart.

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