
Here's a new deck i just built please rate on a scale of 1-10 suggestions would be much obliged.?

by  |  earlier

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Ultimate Exodia

5 pieces of exodia

exodia necross

man-eating treasure chest

the illusory gentleman

ceremonial bell

skilled dark magician

gemini elf

aqua madoor

royal magical library

elemental mistress doriado

red-eyes b. chick

red-eyes b. dragon x2

dark magician

blue eyes white dragon

sorcerer of dark magic

dark magician girl

red-eyes darkness dragon

red-eyes black metal dragon

the wicked avatar

dark magician of chaos

magician of black chaos


contract with exodia

doriado's blessing

black magic ritual

soul exchange

ancient rules

magical dimension

mausoleum of the emperor

cost down

monster reborn

mystical space typhoon

soul release


negate attack





  1. i don't get the theme behind this deck it is just random cards to me 3.5/10

  2. on sca;e 1-10 i give a negative 10 this sucks man i would cream u

    u r running banned cards man

  3. The cards are all good but, because there's no theme to the deck, they just don't work together.

    think about this, do you have any cards to protect the cards in your hand?

    are you thinking about joining a tournament, if so, there is too many forbidden banned cards in here.

    lastly, the deck seems to consist of spellcasters and dragons mainly so choose which one you want and apply the right cards for that type of deck.

    best of luck dude for the future xD

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