
Here's a question...What's the birthplace of Western civilization???

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  1. Many consider it to be the fertile crescent in the area of the Tigress and Euphrates river where some of the oldest civilizations were found.  It was thought to have spread out from this region.  That was the first recognized permanent civilizations and farming.

  2. Rome, because Greece kinda kept it to themselves.  Rome spread it around.  Besides I think that Rome had the first bathrooms, yeah, with their aquaducts.

  3. Greece would indeed seem a good answer. However, since Martin Bernal's Black Athena: The Afroasiatic Roots of Classical Civilization, many scholars would derive Western Civilization or at least much of its cultural roots from Africa and Asia. Actually, the first Greek Philosophers (the so-called pre-socratics) were from Iona (present day Turkey). Claude.

  4. Britain. Yes, good old Blighty gave you all the facets of modern Western civilisation - rule of law (Magna Carta), parliaments and elections, the industrial revolution, the computer, world wars (with help from the Germans, danke!). Not the Greeks - the British invented ancient Greece in the 17th century (nobody had a clue about them before), not the Romans (we'd forgotten about them too until Gibbon reminded us all), not the French (non, pas de tout).

    The British invented politics, literature and work. We are the West, its our world and you just live in it.

  5. That's a matter of opinion. I think the most common answer would be Greece.

  6. The development of what could be termed ancient Western civilisation began in the areas between Germany and Russia.

    What is referred to as the first civilisation of man, began in the delta region of ancient Egypt and the fertile crescent of ancient Mesopotamia almost simultaneously around 7,000BCE.

    It is a topic of hot debate among the different schools of thought as to which came first. Archaeological evidence seems to determine that both civilisations began to develop into agrarian societies around the same time.

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