
Here's a race question for you?

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ok here gos,theres a black kid at my school who always say how he hates white people and they all should die,so i pop off and i say, well i hate you to,so i get in trouble and kicked out of school for being races i did not say the n work or nothing just i hate im being labled as a kkk member and a races white person..WHAT DO I DO?




  1. Sorry, but in general white people don't exactly have the best track record when it comes to race relations.

  2. First off, don't fight hate with hate. It doesn't work.

    Secondly, I would like stress the importance of using proper grammar and spelling so people will take you seriously.

    Anyway. So he hates white people? He's the one with the problem. Speaking out of anger is never a wise decision. And as for everyone else "labeling" you? Let them know otherwise. If you don't want to be labeled as something, don't be labeled as something. So if you don't want to be called a member of the KKK, or as racist say that you aren't. Don't get angry. Just be calm and assertive in your side of the story. Yes, you're going to have to go through some c**p, but that's only because you spoke out of anger and this is the consequence of doing so. It may not be fair, but life isn't always fair to everyone. Just hang in there.

  3. I don't believe there is anything you can do now but for future references, you should avoid using the word 'hate'.

    Most people tend to make those situations worse than what they are, especially when its a Caucasian using the word hate against an African American.


  4. I agree with Loose Wheel on this one. There is a double standard when it comes to race relations. Because of what happened in the past white people are judged too early and we have a continuously fight an uphill battle to prove we aren't racist to the general population. However every race has some kind of stereotype to overcome. That just happens to be the white person's.

    Fortunately that racism is starting to be weeded out, with each new generation the people that act or think according to racist beliefs are dwindling.

  5. Put a cap in his ***.

    Then write a strongly-worded note to your local newspaper about racial unfairness.

  6. u serious? sounds like there is more to it than what is being said...who so glad that high school is over (I assume this isn't a college scenario, god forbid!)

  7. Not much you can do. You're white. You were born guilty of racism according to many people, even some whites. You will always be expected to watch everything you say to and concerning non whites. They are not required or expected to give the same respect in turn. I'll likely get plenty of thumbs down from people that know I'm telling the truth about this. It's very 'racist' of me to complain about this double standard.

  8. To be completely honest... There is nothing you can do. Once you said it, that's it. You should have ignored the person saying those things. But instead you chose to engage with him, and you got caught. I don't think that you were trying to be "racist". More like you were fed up with this person saying such vicious things about your race. As if he were attacking you with his words. But seriously things like that don't just go away. People will always remember what you said, and I'm sure it is around your school already. However you can try to explain yourself to anyone who asks you about the situation. Good luck, and make sure you always "Say what you think, but think before you Say" you can really offend people if you don't live by that rule.  

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