
Here's a weird one - explain please?

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Okay. The cat was injured about a week ago and has deep teeth punctures and at least one broken rib. Problem is the dog thinks it's her nurse. He keeps l*****g her and whenever she lays down the dog tries to pick her up in his teeth and carry her off to where he sleeps. Needless to say; the broken rib causes her a lot of pain when the dog tries this. We try to keep the two of them separated but they both raise a stink when they are apart. Why does the dog do this and why does the cat even tolerate it? It must be very uncomfortable for her but she doesn't even try to keep out of the dog's way.




  1. Are you saying that she doesn't resist being picked up?  Because if she doesn't, maybe it doesn't hurt as much as you think.

    Obviously they both want to be together, so I would say to let them.  If the dog does something that hurts her, she will correct him.  He'll catch on.

  2. umm maybe its because the dog feels like the dogs next in line to mom the cat back up and the cat doesn't have enough energy to move out of the way what i would do is put the cat in a rehab place at a vets or something and once the cats back to normal everything will probley be back to normal

    best of luck

  3. If your cat doesn't like it, she'll let the dog know.  

    If they are close, your dog is taking care of her.  I say, let them be.  But, if the wounds are taking too long to heal, and your vet says it's because of the dog, then separate them.  

  4. Animals operate on instinct.  Clearly the dog is simply doing what he thinks he should do to help the cat, especially with the l*****g.  

    If the cat is not trying to avoid the dog, I guess I would just let them do their thing, no point in fighting it.  

  5. Cat's aren't stupid. She'd be out of there in two seconds if she didn't want him around. It seems to be she wants him to do what he's doing and finds comfort in it, so why not let them be? He'll be able to tell when she's in serious pain, dogs (in general... lol) aren't stupid either. And take pictures! It's one of the cutest things I've heard in awhile!

  6. Well it seems your dog and cat are very attached to each other. Your dog can obviously sense your  cat's pain, so he feels it is his duty to take care of her. However, he may not realize that what he is doing could be hurting yout cat. Keep an eye on the dog and cat when they are together. If your dog makes a rough move, scold him gently. If you keep showing him that being rough is not okay, he will pick up the cat less and maybe not at all. Give him a treat for obeying your commands.

    Your cat seems to appreciate the dog's attention. Don't worry too much, your cat should let your dog know when something is not okay. If your cat does not like your dog's actions, she should hiss or meow, or even try to avoid him.

    If your dog really does seem to be hurting your cat, the best option is to separate them until your cat is feeling a little better. They may be unhappy, but it is for their own good. You may only need to separate them for a day if you find that your cat's condition is improving.

    Good luck to you!

  7. My two dogs do the same thing....

    but, she is probably in pain and doesn't want to try and move out of the dog's way!

  8. l*****g helps the wounds to stay clean. So dog is helping his friend, let them be and yes, take pictures, that is so sweet.

  9. there friends... dogs are pack animals they have been known to take to nursing other baby animals, its a comforting gesture...

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