
Here's an awkward situation.?

by Guest56828  |  earlier

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My sons birthday is next Wed., the first day of school. I sent out invitations for a few of his friends and invited my daughters bf.(her mother used to babysit and is known as mamaw to my kids).All the friends are being dropped off for a few hours since he's 6 and that's how it's usually done at this age.I know the bf. parents of my daughter,will not drop her off as we're not good enough to watch her child a few hours.Well, here's dilemma, with all the kids, my son won't pay much attention to the mamaw and papaw so I thought it would be nice to invite them along with my mother over for dinner on Wed. eve. to get a Little more quality time together.When I called to invite them, she tells me she's coming Sunday.( I didn't send her an invite for the kid party)nor did I plan on having adults here.It will feel like I'm being watched while I go on with the activities I've planned for the kids.And being 1-4 I wasn't planning on having food food just cotton candy ( i rented a machine) and cake and ice cream and swimming and normal kid thing, pinata etc..Now I feel like I need to feed them and entertain.I wonder if I should call these people and ask if my plans are suitable in the future or did they have something else in mind.Does anyone else find this to be an awkward situation. what are your thoughts on this?




  1. How annoying!

    Dont let their cluelessness add another task to your busy day. They've invited themselves to a kids party, so if they want to eat it will have to be kid's party food. Tell them to have lunch before they come, because you are only providing treats.

    Ask mamaw and papaw to come 15 minutes early, and then they can have your sons individed attention for a while.

    Then stick the extras on some chairs in the corner to watch the party. Or give them a task to help you out with. Dont concern yourself with their entertainment! use them for labour or stick them out of the way.

    Some people are so rude! Next year, you'll know not to invite the BF.  

  2. Tell them to eat before they come.

  3. If you dont feel the need to feed the kids then why do you feel you need to feed the Mamaw....what is the difference...none. Its after lunch so cake and ice cream will do...

  4. It would be polite to tell them that you are not serving food (other than kid stuff), just so they know.  Do they even know about the kid party?  Make sure they are aware of your plans and it should work out fine.

  5. If you have several children over, what's the harm of a few extra pairs of eyes to watch them?  This is especially true if they are young and they will be swimming.  You don't really have to entertain the grandparents, and your son can surely be coaxed into spending a few minutes with them.  Maybe the grandparents would just like to be there to see the children interacting and having fun at the birthday party.  

  6. Once you added more people than those for the birthday boy you put yourself in the awkward situation and turned it from a simple party.  You ended up being hostess to children and adults when your mother decided to come for a short trip.  At this point have some muchies for the adults, simple veggies and dip along with some finger sandwiches made ahead of time would be fine.

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