
Here's one. i dislike my stepchildren. ?

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they don't help around the house. they don't perform in school. one has a 1.4GPA a senior. the other has 1.2GPA a sophomore. they always want us to give them money buy them stuff. they wanted new clothes for school but you can't walk through their bedrooms for the clothes on the floor. i've been married to their dad 5 years. our relationship is shot because he won't make them do anything. any advice?




  1. Lol 1.2 and 1.4 GPA....let him read some of these answers try that....if i had that GPA in high school or college my parents would have sent me to school in rags. If I didn't clean my room and left things on floor my dad would have made those clothes disappear and he would have given me uniforms to wear instead (cheap ones that look like they were made in the 70's)....They need discipline and I mean seriously but seriously try reading some parenting books with him about teens gone wrong...or a college handbook...who can get into what school with that GPA and the cost of college without a scholarship. Where is their mother in all of this?

  2. preach into the choir sister! i have a step son and i try my hardest to get along with him. i used to be the only one jumping down his throat and correcting him and trying to get him to do his chores. i offered allowance, free weekends, nothing worked. and then when my husband would come home and let him do whatever he wanted. I got sooo mad! then i got tired of always looking like the bad evil step mom. so i layed off. But my step son was getting into lots of trouble, stealing, taking knifes to school, constantly lying. all because he wants his mom and she dont want him.  at least yours are all in high school and almost outta there. mine just started 7th grade. it still makes me mad the way my step son is. but i remember he is a teenager, and teenagers are lazy. i pretty much gave up. now, when he makes a mess somewhere, i pick it up, but i throw it in his bedroom. or, one of his chores is to do the dishes after he is done with his homework, and he takes hours and hours to do them, then he complains because we eat late, and i tell him "well, if you would get the dishes done when youre supposed to, we could eat at a decent hour like we used to" but he never does it. my best advice to you is, just stop trying so much. let your husband deal with it. it might suck to live with a bunch of slobs, but you will have so much stress reduced from your life. and dont listen to other people on here. i know youre going to get a lot of mean answers from your question, (im a step parent too, and i used to ask questions regarding my step son, and people answered me like i was satan. Keep your head up and remember, you married the dad, not the kids.

    its obvious some people dont know the meaning of a blended family and how most of them work.

  3. Wow harsh saying u hate your kids once you marry the dad you marry the whole family. love them for them my friends stepmother is like that and she wants her mom and dad broken up cuz she is so mean she missed the bus and got in so much trouble it is not even funny let kids be kids! geez and just leav the cloths there the kids will get tired of it and pick it up give them freedom for there trouble.

  4. ground them for getting bad grades in school, stop giving them money,......act like a parent, u r their stepMOTHER!!

  5. I think your husband would rather YOU lay down the law than NAG him about HIS kids...

    So, with that in mind ... tell them they have to earn your respect and earn cash for their goodies... Do this in a friendly NON vindictive way.

    Make a list for each kid, of duties they are to perform at home.  ALL kids need boundries, with out  boundries kids "feel" wild and WILL act wild.

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