
Here's the link of Federer crying....?

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John McEnroe interviews Roger Federer after his epic loss to Rafael Nadal in the 2008 Wimbledon Championship.




  1. Federer was not even crying, it was more like 1 tear.

  2. Hey, thanks for posting that. I would've never seen it.

    Roger Federer is a Legend. Best player.

    I wasn't a fan of his until I watched him play at Wimbledon this year. Not only is he brilliant, he displays true sportsmanship.

    "It hurts." I feel so sorry for him. I cried when he lost.  

    His disappointment shows how much he wanted it, even though he's won five consecutive wins at Wimbledon already. Wait, is that right?

    People should never point out the emotion when they're about to cry, it will make them cry.

    He will win next year. =)

  3. What a classy, empathetic interview by John McEnroe.

    Most interviewers would keep grilling Roger to get him to cry on television and embarrass him to keep the ratings up.

    Extremely classy attitude by John right there. You could tell he was going to ask another question but knew it was too hard for Federer.

  4. Man.. that made me cry. Federer might not show emotion on the court, but he must get pretty happy or upset over matches afterwards.... I just want to run up and give him a big hug, and somehow make it all better.

    By the way I love that interviewer =]

    He was so nice and you could tell he really liked Roger, he totally understood what Federer was feeling and tried to avoid pushing Roger into a really awkward / uncomfortable situation.

    d**n.. I wish Federer won that match so much now, all that is running through my head is how different Roger would be feeling if he won and how different the whole interview would have been!! aghh.. lol

  5. roger is still the best. no one plays tennis like him.

  6. thanx

  7. He must feel bad about losing the match that too after a great fightback in that match!!!!!!!11

  8. I wish to hug Roger also. He is so sweet! I love him even more now.

  9. Poor Roger.

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