
Here's the problem. I have tried just about every anti-depressant there is.?

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I am in counseling and have been for 6 years. I was diagnosed with major depression in 2002. Although I have made progress, I still find myself wanting to stay in bed and I have bouts of crying and I hate being around people most of the time. My doctor and counselor tell me to keep doing what i'm doing to occupy my time. Well, I have a grand daughter who I keep a lot, so it's not like I am sitting around all the time. But, for the entire time I've been depressed, I feel like everything is just too overwhelming. I really don't know how I make it through most days. I have plenty to do to keep me busy and 6 years is too long to still have such chronic depression. Don't tell me to try another med. Trust me, I've been on the best and the worst with no great improvement. It's not very comforting to hear keep trying either. So, where do i go from here?




  1. See a psychologist.  It is recommend that anyone on meds should be seeing a psychologist during the time he/she is on meds.  The only person who will be able to help you is a professional.  Don't be afraid to be choosy, either.  Sometimes it takes 6 or 7 different psychologists before finding the one that's right for you.  So, have some free consultations and go with the person you feel can help you the most. Good luck!

  2. Hi.I also suffer from depression and anxiety.Im not sure if you would consider taking an herbal supplement but 2 weeks ago I started an herbal called Amoryn.I was on lexapro before that.I cant believe how much better I feel on this Amoryn than my lexapro!I was the biggest doubter too.I thought nothing could help my depression but meds.I know you werent looking for another meds answer but after trying this stuff I strongly believe in it.They have a website if you would like to check it out, do believe that depression is a chemical imbalance and some people like us need some help to keep everything in balance.Its worth a try.Good luck.

  3. It may be time to change doctors and counselors.  Perhaps you need to take two anti-depressants at the same time; they can boost each other so that one gets more benefit from each.  Be sure to eat good, nutritious food, and try not to gain weight by eating too many sweets.  Get more exercise, that puts natural endorphins into your system to lessen depression.  If you are religious, pray for relief, ask God to help you.  Try to get out and do things...a movie, a wee shopping trip (no excessive spending!), a church group, a depression support group...join a health club and work out every day, walk with your granddaughter.  Not each of these ideas will be suitable for you, but I am trying to suggest as many as I am familiar with.  There is a very good book by David Burns, link below, that is exceptionally helpful with depression.  He outlines small steps to take to encourage relief.  Here's the link to read about this book.  Good luck!

  4. If you do not have enough money, you could take drugs, like alcohol or crack, to feel better and many do. But that does not cure it. The cure is to make more money. If you are depressed, the cure is not to take a drug, like Prozac. The cure is to be happier. If you have panic or anxiety, which everyone feels at one time or another, the cure is not to take drugs. The cure is to feel more tranquility and peace of mind. See site below for more on this.

    Kevin Trudeau says in his best selling book, Natural Cures They Do Not Want You to Know About, "All illnesses and diseases are caused by the same things; (1) too many toxins in the body; (2) nutritionally deficiencies; (3) electromagnetic chaos exposure; (4) mental and/or emotional distress." "The most effective way to cure and prevent disease is by getting the toxins out." "One very powerful cleanse is, of course, fasting." "Drugs only suppress symptoms, and they cause disease because they are toxic." In More Natural Cures Revealed, Kevin Trudeau says "The facts are clear, drugs, both prescription and non-prescription, do not make you healthier, they make you sicker. Drug companies are not interested in your health. Drug companies only want you to buy and use more drugs. If you want to cure yourself of any disease you have and remain healthy, you must eliminate all non-prescription and prescription drugs."

    Kevin Trudeau says in Natural Cures,

    "In the Natural Cures book I talk about the fact that the sun does not cause skin cancer. The sun is needed for life. If you do not spend time in the sun you will be sick. The sun is vital for health, longevity and to be disease free....Without sunlight you develop diseases including depression, lack of energy, poor sleep, poor digestion, weight gain, arthritis, constipation, bad breath, body odor, cancer, high blood pressure, high cholesterol, diabetes, ADD, stress, headaches, susceptibility to colds, flus and viral infections, PMS, male erectile dysfunction, loss of sexual desire in women, infertility, anxiety and more."

  5. I know you don't want to hear this but it took me about 10yrs and 6 or 7 different meds before we finally found the one or should I say the ones .They kept on giving me meds for just depression then finally I got a new doc (after god knows how many) and they found out I also needed a mood stabilizer so now I take 2 pills everyday one for depression and 1 is a mood stabilizer and I feel alot better (but of course sometimes you still feel that way but it doesn't stay forever like it did before I got the mood stabilizer). Just me I know how you feel, it feels as if nothing could ever make you feel better and god how many more meds could I possibly try , this is never gonna go away, just leave me alone , I just want to sleep. I also have major depression.and have been in couseling for 10 yrs right along with taking meds and finally 4 yrs ago they figured it out,but as you know you have to give the meds time to start kicking in

    Good Luck

  6. I'm not sure if you believe in God or not and I'm not trying to enforce anything on you but you know God loves you bunches, everyone. And I think that knowing that God loves you and is there to protect you when you believe in him is plenty enough for me to get through the day. And also that one day you're going to meet Him. So just glue a smile to your face and be happy.

    Or maybe try keeping a Journal you know? Like instead of crying write it down and just release your feelings. (=

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