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how much experience did bush have when he got first elected president all he was the Governor of texas wow and mc cain is a senator how does that quilify as pesidental experance huh




  1. in the end it won't matter as the POTUS and Congress with the advice and consent...there will be nothing much different after this election

    economics is strained to the limit...Universal Health care will be

    a mess..and Social security is failing along with Medicare and Medicaid

    the government is stretched to the limit with this very costly war

    on terrorism..even the post office is going to be privatized as they

    want to have *buy outs* for the Postmen today

    I don't think people will like the Democrats or the Republicans after

    the next four years..maybe it is time for a Third party to get rid

    of the *insiders* and the *lobbyist* that infest Washington DC?

  2. Being a Senator doesn't qualify anyone as president, it only better qualifies them. There are only two qualifications to be president of the United States of America. #1 You must be at least 35 years old and #2 You must be a United States citizen by birth.

    McCain is better qualified because he has actually sponsored and sponsored bills in the senate and he has actually voted on issues he believes in, in the senate. All Obama has done in his 147 days as a United States senator is vote present. Which basically means, I hear the question, but have no opinion. If he can not come up with his own opinion, then he should go back and find out the opinion of the people that put him in office and vote their opinion.

    Other things that more qualify McCain are the fact that no one has ever had to question his patriotism or his moral or religious views.

    GW Bush didn't have a bunch of experience, but he surrounded himself with a boatload of people that did, just as Sarah Palin will do.  

  3. you said it was a good question guess again  

  4. What experience did in American politics in the last eight years is an open secret known to the whole world and awaiting total rejection in November!

  5. and governor of TX is a pretty light wight job compared to other states.  

    "Texas has a plural executive branch system which limits the power of the Governor"

    bush ran two businesses into the ground...  and has links to saudi oil and the bin laden family.

  6. bush is a good president

    repbulicans and christains will vouch for him

    history will tell a different story

    a story that has been predected by many

  7. That thing about being a 'good question' was false advertising.

  8. Have faith in Jesus and vote Obama.

    Obama loves America

    Obama is a humble Christian man.

    Southern Whites will rally behind Obama.

    Barack Obama is going to carry every state in the South including good old West Virginia.

    Southern Whites for Obama.

    Obama 08

    God Bless America

  9. Bush was a governor for 8 years, that is not any small undertaking.  He was also an owner of a ball team and owned his own company.  McCain has been serving this country his whole life.  

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