
Here a weird planet question for u to answer ?

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if a planet the size of neptune were 93m miles away from our type of sun an atmosphere like our water even though the gravity would be 3 times earth could life like ours be found or life. like to ours be found there . i'm ask this because if it could that increases the chances of us finding an earth type planet some where




  1. Hi Arnold

    Scientists are beginning to realise that there are a lot more extra-special conditions that have made it possible for life on earth, rather than just being the right distance from the sun and having plenty of water.  

    For one thing, the water has to be in liquid form and be like that for the hundreds of millions of years required for life to evolve.  That means you have to have the right amount of greenhouse gases in the atmosphere to keep the temperature generally between 0 and 100 C.  

    People are concerned about too much GH gases at the moment, but the reality is that without any CO2 in the atmosphere, the Earth would be a totally frozen waste.

    Then there is the special relationship between the solid and liquid iron cores, the liquid one revolving around the solid one and generating our special magnetic field that deflects the really nasty radiation that comes from the sun and the cosmos.  

    There are many other specialities that keep our planet evolving – like the tectonic activity where continents slide under each other and so the surface is regenerated over millions of years, and the atmosphere is replenished from buried sediments.  

    There’s lots more, that when you read all the specialities you realise we could be one in trillions.  You might then wonder why we are so lucky to be on this special planet, until you realise that is a mute question, as if the planet wasn’t so special we wouldn’t be here to wonder about it.

    Good question.

  2. Of course their can.  No matter how big the planet, moon, asteroid, or whatever it is floating in space is, their can still be some form of life on it as long as there is liquid water.  Of course it's not really likely that the living organisms their will look exactly like us, but it's still possible that there is some kind of living species on that planet.

  3. Neptune is a Gas Giant. As in the there is no solid place to stand on. Also, if there were a star that close, not only would we be able to see it, we'd probably be able to feel its heat. So..NO.

  4.   It is not likely that a planet that you describe could produce life that could parallel life on earth.

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