
Here are a few quick questions?

by  |  earlier

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Here's five questions.

#1. When your eating dinner, which do you usually eat first? The meat of the vegetables? (and fruit)

#2. Do you sleep better in someone else's bed or your own?

#3. Have you ever spent the day just thinking? (eg: you didn't go to work, you didn't watch T.V., read or listen to music, you did eat and breath of course)

#4. If you were going to die today (but you werent ill, and you walk, talk, ETC) what would you make sure you did before the sun set?

#5 Quanity or Quality?




  1. 1. Vegetables as I like to save the best to last.

    2. My own.

    3. Not thinking on it's own, but I have days (like today) where I am thinking a lot though, but I do other activities as well.

    4. Tell everyone what they meant to me, and cram in as many activites as possible.

    5. Quality.

  2. usally start with veggies but i go back and forth, my own bed, no but i spend many hours thinking about stuff, tell everyone i love them and would spend the day with the one i love, and other family, QUALITY!!!

  3. 1. Meat first.

    2. My own bed.

    3. Does sleeping count?  I think I did that once after a guy dumped me.

    4. I would gather my loved ones around me in a lovely setting and laugh away my last day.

    5. Quality.

  4. 1. Vegetables

    2. my own bed

    3.Nope, I have to watch tv or browse the net.

    4.Pray to God and ask for forgiveness from him and my family.


  5. 1. Gotcha! I eat them at the same time (was raised in a Hungarian home) and this is how I learned to eat. It is their customary way.

    2. Definitely my own. (Unless some ravishing gorgeous dude was in the "someone else's").

    3. OMG.... I've spent most of my LIFE that way!

    4. Hmmm.... difficult question. I spent quite a few minutes thinking about this. And I find it hard to answer. I think.... I'd want to be around puppies and/or children - both of them uplift my spirit and make me happier than anything else.

    5. Without any question - quality!

    NOTE TO SELF: don't make Gabe mad at you.....

  6. #1  I always eat the meat, it's something I was born with

    #2 Um, I probably sleep better in my own - I'd got used to it and I'd feel more relaxed knowing what's there

    #3 No, not really, I'm usually occupied by a laptop, game, friends, TV, or nature

    #4 Get married to the person I love and spent the whole day with them

    #5 Oh definitely quality (in general); but it can range depending on the situation.

  7. 1. When your eating dinner, which do you usually eat first? The meat of the vegetables? (and fruit) - hm. i don't know. i wonder even if i do the same all the time. but i don't eat much meat anyway.

    #2. Do you sleep better in someone else's bed or your own? - my own

    #3. Have you ever spent the day just thinking? (eg: you didn't go to work, you didn't watch T.V., read or listen to music, you did eat and breath of course) - when i was on holidays, this summer. but i also spent time o y.a.

    #4. If you were going to die today (but you werent ill, and you walk, talk, ETC) what would you make sure you did before the sun set? - go to the swimming pool

    #5 Quanity or Quality? - quality

  8. 1 - Vegetarian

    2 - i never sleep

    3 - all the time

    4 - kill my enemies

    5 - quality

  9. 1. I will take a bite of meat and then a bite of vegetables.

    2. I usually sleep better in someone else's bed (but that depends)

    3. Yes.

    4. I would have no idea, its really too short of a time frame to accomplish anything big. Now if I were going to die in a month, I'd have a whole list.


  10. 1. When your eating dinner, which do you usually eat first? The meat of the vegetables? (and fruit)

    Fruit and/or veg

    #2. Do you sleep better in someone else's bed or your own?

    Do benches count?

    #3. Have you ever spent the day just thinking? (eg: you didn't go to work, you didn't watch T.V., read or listen to music, you did eat and breath of course)


    #4. If you were going to die today (but you werent ill, and you walk, talk, ETC) what would you make sure you did before the sun set?

    Shag someone. ;¬)

    #5 Quanity or Quality?


  11. 1. Im a vegetarian, so i dont eat meat anyways.

    #2. I sleep better in my own.

    #3. No, but i thought while watching tv and such.

    #4. Anything and everything. i would talk to all the people i love. and i would tell people things that i need to tell them.

    #5. Quanity.

  12. 1: Meat

    2: My own bed, no one can compare :)

    3: I Have days sort of like those, all i can do is think of one thing, sometimes good but also sometimes bad which makes me not want to do anything, just sit, sleep and think.

    4: I would make sure everyone of my friends and family knew how much i loved them. And if i fell out with anyone that i really truly loved, i would let them know they mean the world.

    5: Quality

  13. 1. When your eating dinner, which do you usually eat first? The meat of the vegetables? (and fruit)----vegetables

    #2. Do you sleep better in someone else's bed or your own?----in my own

    #3. Have you ever spent the day just thinking? (eg: you didn't go to work, you didn't watch T.V., read or listen to music, you did eat and breath of course)----no

    #4. If you were going to die today (but you werent ill, and you walk, talk, ETC) what would you make sure you did before the sun set?---passionatly kiss the kid i have a crush on but he doesnt know, skydive, skinny dipp, take my father's car for a spin (i cant drive yet)

    #5 Quanity or Quality?---quality

  14. 1. Vegetables.  I like to save the good stuff (the meat and potatoes) for last.

    2. My own.

    3. Yes.

    4. Kiss the girl I love.

    5. Both, but if I have to choose, quality.

  15. 1 Vegetables, I save the best until last.

    #2 My own.

    #3 Yes, once including the night.

    #4 Tell everyone in my life how much i care about them.

    #5 Quality

  16. 1. I'm a vegetarian, so I guess you could say I eat the vegetables...

    2. My own, definitely.

    3. Nope, not so far.

    4. Write letters to the people I care about to open after I'm dead. Oh and tell my family I love them, of course.

    5. Quality!

  17. 1: The Fruit

    #2: Yes, lol

    #3: Plenty of times

    #4: I wouldn't do anything, i wanted to die my whole life.. XD

    #5: idk Quality?

  18. 1.fruit

    2.depends... lets say... my own


    4.**** alotta people cuz im young and i don wanna die virgin haha tell dat some1 how i realli feel

    p.s. what if i dont die xo haha


  19. I'm confused

  20. 1.the vegetable then the meat own bed, i always have to be doing something

    4.does it matter? idk i guess i'd want to die before the sunset


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