
Here are five semi-related words. Can you write a poem using them?

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Here is my attempt:

A tide drifts over,

stones and sticks

on beaches of sand.

Doing quick tricks

they wash away,

into the tide

to dance.




  1. As hourglass sands

    Call high tide low

    The aged man sits.

    Watching stones

    Roll mossbound hills

    The aged man waits.

    A house of sticks,

    Changeless weather,

    The aged man sleeps.

    A peace has come

    He never knew

    Before he was aged.

  2. The thunderous storm, and a crack of wood,

    Our smashed boat lines an island shore.

    Days it’s been, and I’m almost used to the sound

    Of my groaning stomach harmonizing

    With the roaring tide.

    I lay in the soft sand, the water nipping at my toes

    Reminding me I’m not home.

    A desperation had succumbed me into worry,

    But now an apathetic role takes it cue.

    We won’t survive, why worry that last moments?

    I walk along the beach now, dodging the stones

    That spell HELP

    No one is going to help us.

    A crack yelps from under me, and below my foot is blood.

    A broken stick cries where it lies.

    I look to the other survivors, a vision of peace.

    Their worry left them before mine gave up.

    A low rumble shakes the ground, and I feel the cold rain.

    I let it fall and let it drip all over me. Every stinging pinpoint

    Reminding me that I’m alive.

    I slowly move my hips and arms, and dance in the rain.

  3. Whenever sand sticks to my toes,

    I remember dancing in the tide with you,

    my heart, once filled with love, now stone.

  4. Juefawn,

    1. Tide

    2. Sticks

    3. Stones

    4. Sand

    5. ???

    Uhhh, when is the fifth related word we are using? I'll make the fifth word 'surf' oh well, here goes... This is a B-zizle Produc-tizzle!


    They call me B-U-Z-Z and I'll be your tour guide/Come aboard my love boat it's gonna be a high tide/We gonna skim across the ocean on my 40 foot ride/In the cabin there's a party don't go over the side/Aye yi crew let's head for the Waikiki Islands/Where the natives are restless and the woman are smilin'/Bikinis and thongs the passengers are stylin'/ All hands on deck cause Captain Stubing's profilin'/The sand is pure white and the sky's a pink hue/The luau is happenin' so what you gonna do?/The hula girls are doin' there hula hula hoo/There's romance in the air, girl can you feel it too?/The stones are molten lava the palm trees are thick/And we're so far out on the surf they look like sticks/Europeans jet skiin' in those tight wet slicks/A dolphin comes by often flippin' doing his tricks/You can be my Island Girl I'm your Samoan Joe/Pretty slanted eyes winkin' like you're ready to go/Fire twirlers, Bongo players going outta control/Be my Asian beauty woman from Tokyo...

    CHORUS: We're a long way from Chicago the Pacific is hot/With it's breath taking beauty givin' you all she's got/I was tropidelic hooked never out of reach/She made me a new man, no a son of a beach!

    Paper, rock, scissors girl you lost the bet/Let go to Diamondhead Beach and watch the sunset/Watch the waves crash the sand Land Of No Regrets/You're worth a million sand dollars I forgot all the rest/What we gonna do today I would ask my darlin'/Rent a chartered boat to catch a couple of marlins/The weather is pleasant and the people are charmin'/Live life a slower pace no more fire alarmin'...

    CHORUS: We're a long way from Chicago the Pacific is hot/With it's breath taking beauty givin' you all she's got/I was tropidelic hooked never out of reach/She made me a new man, no a son of a beach!

    Well, tell me how did I do? I can take all you Sucker Free Poets to school! h**l, I just do this rappin' for fun!! Until I am Top Contributor Number 1... PEACE!

  5. sticks and stones will break my bones

    and the sand of time wont mend them

    the tide as it dances on beaches of white

    will surely sooth and tend them

  6. Along the shore is the (sand)

    one place for sure is the beach

    As the rapids of the water increase

    the (tide)

    will come over

    Damaging the trees of the branches

    and the (sticks)

    With the water over the beach washing

    away the (stones)

  7. I'm lost in mind, like a grain of sand in the tide.

    I wrote a message with some sticks and stones, hoping you would come and save me.

    I must be wasting my time waiting for you, instead I should just build a boat with those sticks and stones, so I could ride the tide and save me.

  8. How about a little haiku poem with your 4 semi -related words

    tide washes up sticks

    stones on the sand remain still

    the dance of water

    Hope you like it Cheers!!

  9. I've been pacing this room almost like a tide rolling in.

    Which lets me now love's about to give in.

    So I built a statue of you out of sand,

    And for your fingers I replaced them with sticks,

    And A stone in your chest where your heart should be.

    It makes so much sense...

  10. ok so mine sucks=[

    this is what i came up with haa

    First there was sand

    on my feet

    next the tide came in

    a stone jumped across the water

    i threw sticks

    dont ask me why i would throw sticks because i have no idea lmao

  11. Hindered as the tide is low

    I snipe at the swallow

    A shot netted on it's head I land

    And the swallow falls to sand

    Challenging it's life I poke it with sticks

    It is as still and silent as stones.

    Chilled I awake and think of her

    Her shot as soft and silent as the archer.

  12. This is very good! Also a great idea to list nouns befor writing a poem. Not only is it good you can help others to get started. I could only write something like this with the words............Sticks and stones can break my bones..........But words hurt far more. The tides in my mind shall wash away as I lie here on the sand. Letting go of past hurts as i lie here on the beach, watching the wind and waters carring them away , far far away. Ha ha, see i am not a poet.

  13. The sticks line the shore

    like my fears line the stones

    lain across the sand

    is a painting of your face and more

    its hers you and her hand in hand

    make the tide come

    and ill let it swallow me whole

    I wont have to run away from this place

    like ive left everything before

    it will take me away


    I cant ryhme with those words..

  14. I like your poem and shall think about it the next time I am at the beach.

    Here is my own quick effort.

    A tide washes in

    The tide rushes out

    The stones they stay

    The sticks go away

    While the sand just vacillates

    Good things come my way

    Bad things they come too

    I can be swept away like the sticks

    I can vacillate like the sand

    Or I can roll like the rocks

    Sometimes pummeled

    Rough edges smoothed by the waves

    But I’ll still be here on the beach.

  15. The tide washes over,

    taking away this sticks

    and stones.

    No evidence left

    on the sand.

    I begin

    to wonder; will that


    to me?

    Nothing to remember me

    by; no

    achievements, no


    just a momentary


    that will soon be

    washed away

    by the tide.

    Well, hey, at least I tried. I couldn't really find a good rhythm, so I decided not to rhyme.

    -Edit- Not trying to be mean, just wondering. What does vaccilates (or however you spell it) mean? I hate not knowing what a word means. Thanks!

  16. Tide sticks to the sandy stones.

    I lay down on the beach,

    wondering what this asker meant

    by a fifth word.

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