
Here comes Aunt Flow again.........ERrrrrrrr.

by  |  earlier

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Day 27 and Aunt Flow is comming to town again. I hate her. This is so frustrating. I just want to crawl up in bed with a bowl of ice cream, browines, cookies, chips, cheese, nachos...and everything a movie and cry. Just another month of false hope and disappointment. I feel like it is never going to happen :(




  1. I understand!  That day that AF arrives is the worst for me too.  Maybe you can treat yourself to some flowers or something.  I swear my friends wonder why I have fresh flowers in my house at least once a month.  Or if what you need is a good cry and some ice cream get that sad flick and a pint and go to town =)  

  2. Right there with ya, sweetie....

    Maybe next month!  (That's what I keep telling myself, anyways...)

  3. Oh i am so sorry! But so not worry your time is coming. Don't get all bummed out, have your girly week, and then get right back on that horse. Never give up! Baby Dusst to you! And good luck.

  4. Do all of those things, that's what I do...I give in to whatever I want...usually that involves some "wine-ing" too LOL

    Sorry about AF...she's sooooooo annoying isn't she?

    babydust for next cycle and remember you aren't alone...

  5. I have tears in my eyes as I write, I know exactly how you feel mine arrived today. It's so awful isn't it? I'm curling up on the couch with a large glass of wine and some nachos right now, I can't eat them though for the lump in my throat!

    I'll be thinking of you and praying for a miracle for all of us in the same situation!


  6. I know its me. Whats even more frustrating is trying, getting pregnant, having a miscarriage and wishing desprately AF would come back to you so you could try agian. Dont lose hope. Losing hope will only make it longer.

    I promise when its your time it willl happen!!

    Next month try to not bank over it.. like do w/e you do to know when you ovulate have s*x roll over and go to sleep!! have s*x as often as you can and just dont worry. Thats all you can do right now.

    Good luck lots of baby dust to us!!

  7. I hate her too. Let's kick her a**. lol

    I totally understand what you are feeling. That first day she shows up is so disappointing. All the hopes for that month are gone. All the times you thought, we really did it this time, I think this one worked...are gone. I guess the only good thing about it is knowing and accepting and then looking forward to next month.

    It's a tiring process, but we're all in it with you. And PLEASE pass some of those nachos!

    Baby dust to you and to me and all that are TTC!  

  8. i am with you hun! save me some ice cream! and good luck next month our time will come and were all here for you!

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