
Here i`m again with another question regarding my husband cell. ?

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My friends advice me not to spend any money on PI to get the phone record. I don`t know what to do i feel his hiding something but i can`t put my finger on what . His getting private calls almost everyday ( for months)usually on the same time 2 or 3 in the afternoon and always answers but finds excuses not to answer when we are together the 1 time he told me he won`t answer # with no ID, the 2 time he said it was this guy bugging him for a job and he din`t wanna answer since we were having dinner.the 3 it was his friend calling him with a private # and he din`t have the time to calling him back.I have no other proofs his cheating exp this calls , my friends thinks i have to let this go and trust my husband , i`m thinking about it and let go but on the same time i feel something is not right and i don`t wanna leave my life with a lie. I would like to get the phone record but is very hard to get it the company won`t release that info unless your in the same plan and he gets is bill at work, i know what ever it is bad or good the truth is in this private# . If something like this would happen to you would you be suspicious or let go like my friends told me to do?




  1. i would be highly suspicious.....and i think that u have reason to be too. regardless of what ur friends say.......

    hmm...does he keep the fone on him all the time? there nay way that u can get ur hands on it...? fone or no work fone.....

    hey....u could make a call to the number urself....(obviously block ur number first)....and just see what way he answers the fone.....u never know.....

    or.....u could stake him out at work....(hey if its ur marriage thats at stake. then u would try anything to get to the bottom of it)

    buy a little microfone thing..and plant it in his car.....????..(well its worth a try)

    i wouldnt trust this guy at all.....he has too many heart goes out to u...

    chin up :)

  2. Let it go until he gives you concrete evidence that he is cheating.

    If you really want to know look at his phone and check the numbers dialed.

  3. Something here doesn't smell right. He is hiding something from you. There should be no secrets between you and him. Tell him how you feel and see what he says.

  4. How do you know he answers the phone when you are not around for this private call?  You are not around to know what he is doing.  Until something besides this phone call happens I would not worry about it, but if is something in your heart, telling you something is wrong, demand he answer the phone when it rings with this blank number again.  If it is a private number, how will a phone record help you?  Won't it say private number?

  5. I think you could try to get this private no, then ask your friend to call the no, then see what happens.  

  6. Follow your instincts.  I felt exactly the same when I found out my ex-husband was cheating on me.  I learnt then that I must never ever ignore my instincts.  I am not saying that your husband is cheating, but if you feel there is something wrong, then just find out what it is.

    I wish you all the luck!

  7. I would want to know.  More suspicious than the private numbers is you intuition.  I believe a women can feel if something isn't exactly right.  Good luck.  

  8. I understood that you can´t call the number back because it doesnt appear on the phone.. so...

    Next time that rings next to you ask him to give you the phone, if he doesn't have anything to hide he will give it to you, tell him you want to answer it. and when you do just accept the call but don't say anything then the person on the other side will say;: hello? and then you can hear if  is a woman.

    and don't tell anyone that you will do that as I also be suspicious about your friend. maybe she has something to do with it.

  9. All you haved to do is check the phone bill at the record of phone calls to his cell phone.If you do not have the bill go on line and chech the past six month history and you will be able to find the number that is calling his phone, go to a pay phone and call that number or if you have Verizon just hit *67 and your number will not show even if they have caller id. You will have your answer.  

  10. That private # might just be one of your "friends".

  11. I remember this question and I also remember most of the advise and even seeing the same here - people telling you to get PI and get proof. I find it hard to believe that strangers are giving you better advise then your friends. Unless your friend is someone who does not want you to find out the truth... sorry but I really do think the advice from your friends is suspicious.

    I agree with taking the phone and checking the numbers, I agree with everyone telling you that you need to make sure that you have proof before you let these thoughts grow and vester.  

  12. I think you should let it go for now. From my own experience I have found that the truth always comes to light eventually. Stop interrogating him as it could ruin your relationship and if he is innocent he could use this behaviour against you in the future. Sit back, play it cool and concentrate on being a good wife to him, don't let him see that you are suspicious. You are obviously not a naive person and if he is cheating then sooner or later he will slip up and then you will have much stronger evidence against him. If he isn't then at least you wouldn't have damaged your relationship.

  13. wait until he 'misplaces' his cell phone, write down the numbers in his call log, then call them from another phone to see who answers. Then let the phone show up in an believable place (like between the seat cushions of the car).  

    it's sneaky, but it's one way to find out.  

  14. I would also be suspicious, but until it can be proved there is nothing that can be done.  Also, if it is just phonecalls I`d be hurt but couldn`t do much about it, it is if it goes further that I could do something.

    You need to ask him, point blank, and tell him that if your suspicion is proved right you will have no choie but to eave him.  It might be innocent,but he might not.

  15. If you are that paranoid, wait until he is asleep and check his phone.

    Perosnallly, I don't check people's phones. But then, I'm not overly concerned about phone calls.

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