
Here in America, it seems that other cultures expect us to learn their language?

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but I'm wondering if we went to another country do you think it would be fair for us to expect them to learn our language?

I know that a lot of other countries know more than one language but I'm it seems that when other cultures come here and don't know English they expect us to know their language.

What if we went to another country where the English language is not primarily spoken would it be fair if we demanded that they speak our language?

I have nothing wrong with learning another language. I can carry on a conversation in Spanish for the most part.




  1. You have a point.  However, America is a special place in that it is so diverse.  Some areas have very strong represetation when it comes to certain ethnic groups. I can understand why they would want Americans to know their language.  When all is said and done though, learning a new laguage is extremely useful and satisfying.

  2. Actually, in some countries, the citizens are quite hostile towards Americans who cannot speak the language of their country.  (Just about anyone I know that has visited France has told me they were treated very rudely by the majority of the locals they encountered there, for example, even when they tried to speak French.)  

    And yes, if you choose to move to a country to live, you should learn the language of the country, not expect to be catered to.  And if   someone chooses to move to the US, they should learn English.  But at least where I live, there seems to be only one group of immigrants that refuses to do this.

  3. English is the primary language in America. If I go into a carry out store or a restaurant and the people there can't speak english, I usually get irritated and walk out. When I go to another country, I make sure I can communicate IN THEIR LANGUAGE.

  4. whoa tu eres muy lista,understand that,voce sabe moito,understand this one,aprendeu moito,what about this one tooo,good luck,god bless usa and the world

  5. If you go to many prosperous countries in the world, such as japan, wesetern europe, some south american and south asian countries, many of them, at least in the cities, know enough english to complete a business transaction.  

    English is probably the most popular second lanauage in the world but many Americans don't know a second lanauge.  That is were most of the critisim comes from, but I believe forieners who come here should at least learn enough english to complete a business transaction or ask for directions.

  6. americans cannot speak English properly,why are you complaining about people for whom English is not their native tongue?This is a case of the pot calling the kettle black.

  7. Hello,

    Well I have heard lots of American and Canadian tourists complain that when they went to Mexico and other countries in Latin America their problems and complaint was that nobody spoke English there.

    I pointed out that the problem was that they didn't speak Spanish there.

    That said, when you immigrate to a new country it is your duty and obligation to learn the mother tongue of that country. You may be able to survive for many years in a ghetto type environment but your ability to get ahead is extremely curtailed.


    Michael Kelly

  8. English is the most important language of the world, if you speak it outside of western countries then you are seen as smart sophisticated and can communicate with others. If you speak Greek and goto Brazil.. theres gonna be language problems but if you speak English its usually understood it almost all countries where they have professional or young adults that are educated.  

  9. People totally expect us to learn their language here. I live central Te as not on the border and people come up here to shop from Mexico because we have a big outlet but they speak Spanish to you and get mad if you don't speak it. It always makes me angry because why should the store employees only making $6.50 an hour have to learn Spanish for their job because you wanted to shop 7 hours past the border halfway to Oklahoma. I don't expect everyone to speak English in other countries except people at the airport. If you're going to another country you should be respectful of their language and culture and not expect everyone to speak English and know your customs. Otherwise you're just being totally ethnocentric if you think everyone in the world should be doing it YOUR way just to convenience your culture.

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