
Here in the US gas prices and food prices are on the rise . What do they do differant in the UK to survive .?

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Here in the US gas prices and food prices are on the rise . What do they do differant in the UK to survive .?




  1. Alot of people in the UK are struggling with debt and house repossesions are on the up.

    We cope because we have to, their is no other option but to work 7 days a week, shop at discount food shops, not have a social life. Wages are way below the rate of inflation, £30 used to give me a full tank of fuel, now it will only get me half a tank. I only buy what I NEED, and if I need something I cant afford I try to buy it second hand.

  2. stop going out to the pub as much, buying cheaper food, thank god I got my mortgage fixed last year..phew

  3. We Americans have been using gas so freely for YEARS!! They have been paying about 10$$$  a liter YES A LITER for the past few years. PLUS Europeans have a totally different outlook on their goods than we Americans. They live more prudently,. eat outless and enjoy/live in the moment. And they drink  a ton more brew :-)

    Just came back from the UK,............IT IS SO EXPENSIVE that gas in the least of their worries plus not every one drives a BEEMER :-))))))

    They take the tube

  4. Its the same here, although our gas is still twice the price that yours is (bloody government). You just have to economise. The good times are over my friend. But the UK & US have been through worse, and will always bounce back.

  5. Yes we have the same over here but d**k Turpin was an armature compered to our government. Gas £1.20 a liter £6.00 a Gallon. Stopped planting flowers and gone back to growing are own vegetables. Cut down on sugar in tea.

  6. We moan and get on with it...

    I heard that petrol in america is like 50p, which is nothing, we paid double that even before the rise..

    I don't really feel much has changed except pertrol..

    My family is not doing anything differently..

  7. everything here is twice as much

    we just try not to spend as much

    and eat cheaper and not drives cars so much

  8. We are in the same situation.

    We eat & drink a lot less and families are selling their cars / 4x4 tanks - opting to walk instead.

    To keep warm we put on more clothes...we found this a cheaper option instead of putting the heating on.

    Although we are getting thin, we in the UK have managed to offset the rising prices by using these simple ideas.

    All points are welcomed :)

  9. Cut back on what we use, tighten our belts and pray!

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